Tags: forensics memorydump volatility darkcomet
# Attaaaaack5
## Background
Q5. What is the another process that is related to this process and it's strange ?
example : crew{spotify.exe}
Author : 0xSh3rl0ck
## Find the flag
In Attaaaaack4, we found that the `runddl32.exe` is sussy.
**Then, we can use its PID to track down which Parent PID (PPID) is the same as the `runddl32.exe` PID:**
0x84398998 runddl32.exe 300 2876 10 2314 1 0 2023-02-20 19:03:40 UTC+0000
0x84390030 notepad.exe 2556 300 2 58 1 0 2023-02-20 19:03:41 UTC+0000
Found it!
- **Flag: `crew{notepad.exe}`**