Tags: osint 

Rating: 4.3

Title: Finding Artifacts 1 Challenge: Locating the Bronze Statue of the "Excellent One"

In this write-up, we will explore the Finding Artifacts 1 challenge, where the objective is to determine the museum in New York City that houses a coveted bronze statue known as the "Excellent One." By analyzing the provided clues and conducting online research, we will identify the museum and present the flag in the required format. Let's proceed with the solution!

Challenge Details:

Challenge Type: Finding Artifacts 1
Task: Identify the museum in New York City that houses the bronze statue of the "Excellent One."
Additional Clues: The statue's name starts with "ma" and is prevalent in southern Asia.

Analyzing the Clues:
The given clues suggest that the bronze statue we are searching for starts with the letters "ma" and is prominent in southern Asia.

Conducting Online Research:
We can utilize search engines to find bronze statues with names beginning with "ma" and having cultural significance in southern Asia. By searching for "bronze statue starting with 'ma' prevalent in southern Asia," we can gather relevant information.

Identifying the Statue:
Through online research, we discover that the statue fitting the given clues is the Maitreya Buddha, also known as the "Excellent One." The Maitreya Buddha is a significant figure in Buddhism and is commonly represented in bronze statues.

Locating the Museum:
To determine the museum in New York City where the Maitreya Buddha bronze statue is located, we can conduct a targeted search for "Maitreya Buddha statue museum New York City."

Finding the Museum:
By performing the search, we discover that the Maitreya Buddha bronze statue can be found at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City.

As per the challenge instructions, the flag to be submitted is the location name in lowercase, separated by underscores. Therefore, the flag for this challenge is "uiuctf{rubin_museum}."

By analyzing the provided clues and conducting online research, we successfully identified the museum in New York City where the bronze statue of the "Excellent One," the Maitreya Buddha, is located. The museum housing this statue is the Rubin Museum of Art. Thus, the flag obtained for this challenge is "uiuctf{rubin_museum}." This challenge highlights the importance of using hints and performing targeted searches to locate specific information effectively.