Tags: fileupload web rce mj0ln1r invaders0x1 


# Dumb Admin

Description :

The Admin coded his dashboard by himself. He’s sure to be a pro coder and he’s so satisfied about it. Can you make him rethink that?

Challenge : https://dumbadmin.challs.dantectf.it/

The website was a login page. After some failed tries to find crendentials of the source of the website, I tried to use a basic login bypass `SQL injection` payload.

Username : `admin' 1=1 --`
Password : `1234`

This payload was worked fine and I was able to login as admin.

The admin page has a option to upload a image.


I thought that there might be a `File upload` vulnerability in the website.

First uploaded a jpg of 2 kb and it was rendered in the webpage. When I view the source code, I found a direct url to the image uploaded.


So, If we upload a php file we can execute in by going to the actual URL.

The `php` file `file.php`



What this code will do is, This can execute the commands passed in the `cmd` argument in the URL of the file.php

I tried to upload this on the website, Got an error message.

`The extension '.php' indicate it is not an image!`

So, Tried some extension bypass techniques on the hacktricks webpage. Now uploaded the file as `file.jpg.php`. Again got an error.

`Uploaded file seems to be not a real image!`

Okay, there might be a magic bytes check was done here. So, I edited the magic bytes of the `file.jpg.php` with the **hexed.it** webtool. Inserted the `jpg` header values to the `file.jpg.php`.

00000000: ffd8 ff3c 3f70 6870 0a09 6563 686f 2073 ....

So, as we can see in the above hexdump of the file contains jpg headers.

Lets try to upload this file.

This time everything was fine and the image `file.jpg.php` was not rendered as it is not an image. I moved to the actual URL of the uploaded file as we already founf it in the beginning.

I moved to `https://dumbadmin.challs.dantectf.it/f9bbbecb61014db8f0674bf60c27e668/9180871cb76494741eb99e2181d57e54.jpg.php`

And there were nothing to see, then i passed `ls` in the `cmd` argument from the URL.

Boom, This prints the list of files available on the server.

Now we can move across the file system of the server, I found the flag was at `/flag.txt`.

The URL, `https://dumbadmin.challs.dantectf.it/f9bbbecb61014db8f0674bf60c27e668/9180871cb76494741eb99e2181d57e54.jpg.php?cmd=cat%20/flag.txt` . Prints out the flag for us

> `Flag : DANTE{Y0u_Kn0w_how_t0_bypass_things_in_PhP9Abd7BdCFF}`

# [Original Writeup](https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/dantectf23)

Original writeup (https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/dantectf23).