Tags: reverse 

Rating: 5.0

Author: @lambdahx

# Prompt

>See if you can find the flag!

Attachment: gettingBetter

# Solution
As usual, the first thing to do is see if there's anything interesting using the 'strings' command and the only interesting thing seemed to be the following string


I decided to open the program in ghidra to see what's going on. I found the following code in main:

local_108 = 0x6e806b79687a7e67;
local_100 = 0x4c64;
uStack_fe = 0x796a38647935;
uStack_f8 = 0x6a59;
local_f6 = 0x823a3c3e36642657;
It seems like a string we could use as it's passed to a function decrypt_passphrase as an argument. After taking a look at the function and changing some variable names, we come to see the following code:

void decrypt_passphrase(long in_str,long out_str,char int_5)

int i;

for (i = 0; *(char *)(in_str + i) != '\0'; i = i + 1) {
*(char *)(out_str + i) = *(char *)(in_str + i) - int_5;
*(undefined *)(out_str + i) = 0;

What this does is simply subtract 5 from the ascii value of each character. We can easily do this ourselves with some simple python code. Note that chars are read right-to-left. I clearly forgot about the other string so the following is the code I used to get the flag:

a = [0]*5 #the following are just strings that i found in ghidra
a[0] = '6e806b79687a7e67'
a[1] = '4c64'
a[2] = '796a38647935'
a[3] = '6a59'
a[4] = '823a3c3e36642657'
s = "".join([(bytes.fromhex(substr).decode('latin-1'))[-1::-1] for substr in a])
print("".join([chr(ord(c)-5) for c in s]))

The flag is the following

> byuctf{i_G0t_3etTeR!_1975}

A more optimal way to solve the challenge is to use a similar code to put the string we found using 'strings' command

print("".join([chr(ord(c)-5) for c in "Xmj%yzwsji%rj%nsyt%f%sj|y"]))

This returns the following string:

>She turned me into a newt

Which when put as an input to the program also gives the flag... A much simpler way to do it.

Original writeup (https://github.com/CyberHeroRS/writeups/blob/main/BYUCTF/2023/Rev/RevEng.md).