Tags: deobfuscating javascript 


# Open your eyes 1/5

## Background

Sometimes there is more than meets the eye. Be clever and collect the 5 flags. Some are easy, some are hard.

Access the challenge here : [https://heroctf.joinopencyber.tech/](https://heroctf.joinopencyber.tech/)
Format : Hero{J...}


## Find the flag

**In this challenge, we can access the challenge machine in [https://heroctf.joinopencyber.tech/](https://heroctf.joinopencyber.tech/):**


**Home page:**


In here, we can "LOGIN AS A GUEST" or "LOGIN".

**Let's login as a guest first:**


In here, we can send some messages to someone.

Since **JavaScript is a client-side language**, we can poke around in the source code.

**To do so, I'll open up the "Debugger" tab:**


As you can see, **it has 2 main JavaScript files: `app.js`, `main.js`.**

**But before we look at the `main.js`, I found something weird in `app.js`:**


Hmm... I can see the flag format! (`Hero{.*}`)

Now, we can **dynamically deobfuscate** those JavaScript code!

> Note: You can read my recent "PwnMe Qualifications : “8 bits”"'s web challenge writeup: [Beat me!](https://siunam321.github.io/ctf/PwnMe-2023-8-bits/Web/Beat-me/). It's a web challenge that exploiting client-side game and dynamically deobfuscating JavaScript code.

**That being said, let's add a breakpoint to variable `_0x2e08e0`:**


**Then refresh the page:**


**Next, click the "Step Over" button twice:**



Nice! We found half of the flag:


However, we can't step over again, as the if statement in line 31 won't get passed.

**If you look closely, variable `_0x45a81e` is function `_0x4cbad0()`:**


**So, we can concatenate the full flag via variable `_0x45a81e`!**


- **Flag: `Hero{J@v@Scr!pt_f!l3s_R_alway$_Nic3_t0_Gr@b}`**

## Conclusion

What we've learned:

1. Dynamically Deobfuscating JavaScript Code

Original writeup (https://siunam321.github.io/ctf/HeroCTF-v5/Sponsors/Open-your-eyes-1-5/).