Tags: invaders mj0ln1r roko transposition crypto cipher 


# roko-cipher-in-the-console

We can see this is a transpositional cipher. `f1stg}th10_ej{s__act_nam`. I observed that the flag is plaintext but it was transposed. We can observe that the `jctf{}` letters in the ciphertext.

I wrote this ciphertext in different deapths. Like writing it in 4 columns, 5 columns and so on . I observed a standard format when I write this in 6 columns.

We can get the flag by reading column by column and in every column the order of reading letters is row-3,row-4,row-2,row-1.


That is first column should be taken as `jctf`. Second column is `{th1` and so on.

> `Flag : jctf{th1s_1s_n0t_a_game}`

## [Original Writeup](https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/jerseyctf23)

Original writeup (https://themj0ln1r.github.io/posts/jerseyctf23).