Tags: tcl logicbug
# tcl-tac-toe
## Background
> Author: BobbySinclusto
Time to tackle tcl-tac-toe: the tricky trek towards top-tier triumph
## Enumeration
**Home page:**
In here, we can play the Tic-Tac-Toe game:
**When we click one of those cells, it'll send the following POST request:**
**Now, let's view the [source code](https://github.com/siunam321/CTF-Writeups/blob/main/DamCTF-2023/web/tcl-tac-toe/tcl-tac-toe.zip)!**
└> file tcl-tac-toe.zip
tcl-tac-toe.zip: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract, compression method=store
└> unzip tcl-tac-toe.zip
Archive: tcl-tac-toe.zip
creating: tcl-tac-toe/
inflating: tcl-tac-toe/Dockerfile
creating: tcl-tac-toe/app/
inflating: tcl-tac-toe/app/app.tcl
creating: tcl-tac-toe/app/static/
inflating: tcl-tac-toe/app/static/index.css
inflating: tcl-tac-toe/app/static/index.html
inflating: tcl-tac-toe/app/static/index.js
**In `/Dockerfile`, we see this:**
RUN wget https://wapp.tcl-lang.org/home/zip/wapp.zip --no-check-certificate && unzip wapp.zip -d /usr/lib && echo pkg_mkIndex /usr/lib/wapp | tclsh
As you can see, it's using a web application framework called "Wapp", which is a framework for writing web applications in Tcl. Tool Command Language (Tcl) is a powerful scripting language with programming features. It is available across Unix, Windows and Mac OS platforms. Tcl is used for **Web and desktop applications, networking, administration, testing, rapid prototyping, scripted applications and graphical user interfaces (GUI)**.
**In `/app/app.tcl`, we see the main application.**
First off, let's find where the flag is.
**In procedure (function) `wapp-page-update_board{}`, we can see how the flag is being read:**
proc wapp-page-update_board {} {
# allow cross-origin requests because otherwise the ssl reverse proxy thing breaks
# get prev_board, new_board, signature
set prev_board [wapp-param prev_board]
set new_board [wapp-param new_board]
set signature [wapp-param signature]
# verify previous board signature
if [verify $prev_board $signature] {
# verify move
if [valid_move $prev_board $new_board] {
set message {}
set winner [check_win $new_board]
if {$winner == "tie"} {
set message "Cat's game!"
} elseif {$winner == "X"} {
set flag [get_file_contents "../flag"]
set message "Impossible! You won against the unbeatable AI! $flag"
} elseif {$winner == "O"} {
set message "Haha I win!"
} else {
set new_board [computer_make_move $new_board]
# Check if computer won or it tied the game
set winner [check_win $new_board]
if {$winner == "O"} {
set message "Haha I win!"
} elseif {$winner == "tie"} {
set message "Cat's game!"
# compute signature of new board
set signature [sign $new_board]
# send the new board, signature, and message
wapp "$new_board,$signature,$message"
} else {
wapp "$prev_board,$signature,Invalid move!"
} else {
wapp "$prev_board,$signature,No hacking allowed!"
**Flag flow:**
> If the previous board signature is verified
> If the move is verified
> If the winner is ourself (`X`), read the flag and display it
That being said, we need to **win the game** in order to get the flag!
Now, when we send a POST request to `/update_board`, it'll send 3 parameters: `prev_board`, `new_board`, `signature`.
Then, it'll first verify previous board signature. Let's look at that procedure!
**Procedure `verify {}`, `sign {}`, `wapp-page-index.js {}`:**
proc sign {msg} {
return [exec << $msg openssl dgst -sha256 -sign key.pem -hex -r | cut -d { } -f1]
proc verify {msg signature} {
return [expr {[sign $msg] == $signature}]
proc wapp-page-index.js {} {
wapp-mimetype text/javascript
# Start with an empty board
wapp "var gameBoard = \['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''\];\nvar signature = \"[sign {- - - - - - - - -}]\";\n"
wapp [get_file_contents "static/index.js"]
The `expr` will evaluate the output of procedure `sign {}` is equal to the correct `$signature`, and the correct signature is in `/index.js`. Also, the signature is generated via `openssl`, and digested via SHA256.
Hmm... It seems like we can't bypass that?
Let's see what if the previous board signature is verified.
**Next, it'll verify our move:**
if [valid_move $prev_board $new_board]
proc valid_move {old_board new_board} {
# Make sure only one spot was updated and that the spot that was updated was valid
set diff_count 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 9} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $old_board $i] != [lindex $new_board $i]} {
incr diff_count
# Make sure space is not already occupied
if {[lindex $old_board $i] == {X} || [lindex $old_board $i] == {O}} {
return 0
return [expr {$diff_count == 1}]
This procedure will check there's only one spot was updated and it's occupied or not.
Then, what if both previous board signature and move is valided?
set winner [check_win $new_board]
**It'll run procedure `check_win $new_board`:**
proc check_win {board} {
set win \{\{1 2 3} {4 5 6} {7 8 9} {1 4 7} {2 5 8} {3 6 9} {1 5 9} {3 5 7\}\}
foreach combo $win {
foreach player {X O} {
set count 0
set index [lindex combo 0]
foreach cell $combo {
if {[lindex $board [expr {$cell - 1}]] != $player} {
incr count
if {$count == 3} {
return $player
# check if it's a tie
if {[string first {-} $board] == -1} {
return {tie}
return {-}
**What this procedure does is to check the following pattern has 3 `X` or `O`:**
{1 2 3}
{4 5 6}
{7 8 9}
{1 4 7}
{2 5 8}
{3 6 9}
{1 5 9}
{3 5 7}
If it does, return the winner (`X` or `O`).
Let's move on!
**If there's NO winner:**
} else {
set new_board [computer_make_move $new_board]
# Check if computer won or it tied the game
set winner [check_win $new_board]
if {$winner == "O"} {
set message "Haha I win!"
} elseif {$winner == "tie"} {
set message "Cat's game!"
**Run procedure `computer_make_move $new_board`:**
proc computer_make_move {board} {
set win \{\{1 2 3} {4 5 6} {7 8 9} {1 4 7} {2 5 8} {3 6 9} {1 5 9} {3 5 7\}\}
# check if computer can win
foreach combo $win {
set count 0
set index [lindex combo 0]
foreach cell $combo {
if {[lindex $board [expr {$cell - 1}]] eq {O}} {
incr count
} else {
set index [expr $cell - 1]
if {$count == 2} {
if {[lindex $board $index] == {-}} {
lset board $index {O}
return $board
# check if human can win, block them if they can
set played 0
foreach combo $win {
set count 0
set index [lindex combo 0]
foreach cell $combo {
if {[lindex $board [expr {$cell - 1}]] eq {X}} {
incr count
} else {
set index [expr $cell - 1]
if {$count == 2 && [lindex $board $index] == {-}} {
lset board $index {O}
set played 1
if {$played == 1} {
return $board
# choose something to play if neither condition holds
for {set i 0} {$i < 9} {incr i} {
if {[lindex $board $i] == {-}} {
lset board $i {O}
return $board
It'll check the computer and human can win. If human can win, try to block them.
After that, it'll check the winner again via procedure `check_win $new_board`.
**Finally, compute signature of new board:**
# compute signature of new board
set signature [sign $new_board]
# send the new board, signature, and message
wapp "$new_board,$signature,$message"
Armed with above information, we can try to exploit it to win the game!
## Exploitation
In the above source code analysis, we can control `prev_board`, `new_board`, `signature` in `/update_board` POST request.
Hmm... I wonder if we can forge our own signature...
However, I tried that, no dice.
Let's play with it!
***Now, what if I'm the AI (`O`)?***
Umm... It doesn't check I'm the AI!
Then I decided to ***let the AI win***:
> Note: You'll need to replace the `signature` with the `new_board` signature, `prev_board` replace to new one, and add a new move in `new_board`.
Arghh... Can I still play the game ***AFTER it's lost/tied***?
I can!
***Let's try to win the game while it's already lost:***
Boom! We beat the game!!
I guess the reason why we beat that is the `check_win` procedure checks the following pattern ***in order***:
{1 2 3}
{4 5 6}
{7 8 9}
{1 4 7}
{2 5 8}
{3 6 9}
{1 5 9}
{3 5 7}
So I guess we won the check!
- **Flag: `dam{7RY1N9_Tcl?_71m3_70_74k3_7W0_7YL3n01_748L37s}`**
## Conclusion
What we've learned:
1. Exploiting Logic Bug