
Marcus Got a Mysterious mail promising a flag if he could crack the password to the

We took the Zip file from the given downloads description of the challenge and I found that the zip
file is locked.


So I tried to crack the zip file using zip2john. And I saved the hashes in the zip file using the
command “zip2john unzipme.zip > zip.hashes”. Now I tried to bruteforcing the hashes file using the
rocyou.txt using the command “john –wordlist=rockyou.txt zip.hashes”. And From that I got the
password of the zip file.


After opening the zip file. I found the flag.


```Flag: vishwaCTF{1d3n7i7y_7h3f7_is_n0t_4_j0k3}```

Original writeup (https://github.com/CBC-MIT/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/VishwaCTF2k23/The%20Sender%20Conundrum).