Tags: hardware 


# HM74

As you venture further into the depths of the tomb, your communication with your team becomes increasingly disrupted by noise. Despite their attempts to encode the data packets, the errors persist and prove to be a formidable obstacle. Fortunately, you have the exact Verilog module used in both ends of the communication. Will you be able to discover a solution to overcome the communication disruptions and proceed with your mission?

**econder.sv** file:

module encoder(
input [3:0] data_in,
output [6:0] ham_out

wire p0, p1, p2;

assign p0 = data_in[3] ^ data_in[2] ^ data_in[0];
assign p1 = data_in[3] ^ data_in[1] ^ data_in[0];
assign p2 = data_in[2] ^ data_in[1] ^ data_in[0];

assign ham_out = {p0, p1, data_in[3], p2, data_in[2], data_in[1], data_in[0]};

module main;
wire[3:0] data_in = 5;
wire[6:0] ham_out;

encoder en(data_in, ham_out);

initial begin
$display("%b", ham_out);


## Writeup

To solve the challenge we need to understand how data is sent.

Every bytes are sent in this way:

p0, p1, data_in[3], p2, data_in[2], data_in[1], data_in[0]

Were **p0**, **p1** and **p2** are the **xor** of a specific combination of **data_in[0]**, **data_in[1]**, **data_in[2]**, **data_in[3]**.

If we suppose that the error is in only one bit in every bytes we can fix it and obtain correct bytes.

But now always the error is in only one bit, so we can iterate the algoritm with more datas and try to isolate the most received chars.

Let's collect some signals with **netcat** connection and save it in to a file:

nc 32349 > signals.txt

After a couple of minutes we get a file with enough datas to get the correct signal.

Now we can execute this code and get the flag:


def check(sequence):
p0 = int(sequence[0])
p1 = int(sequence[1])
p2 = int(sequence[3])

data0 = int(sequence[6])
data1 = int(sequence[5])
data2 = int(sequence[4])
data3 = int(sequence[2])

wrong = [0, 0, 0]


if p0 != (data3 ^ data2 ^ data0):
wrong[0] = 1
#print("p0 wrong!")

if p1 != (data3 ^ data1 ^ data0):
wrong[1] = 1
#print("p1 wrong!")

if p2 != (data2 ^ data1 ^ data0):
wrong[2] = 1
#print("p2 wrong!")

if wrong[1] == 1 and wrong[2] == 1 and wrong[0] == 0:
#print("Data1 is wrong!")
data1 = int(not data1)

elif wrong[0] == 1 and wrong[2] == 1 and wrong[1] == 0:
#print("Data2 is wrong!")
data2 = int(not data2)

elif wrong[0] == 1 and wrong[1] == 1 and wrong[2] == 0:
#print("Data3 is wrong!")
data3 = int(not data3)

elif wrong[0] == wrong[1] == wrong[2] == 1:
#print("Data0 is wrong!")
data0 = int(not data0)

#print("Correct Data:")

data = str(data3) + str(data2) + str(data1) + str(data0)

return hex(int(data, 2))[2]


code = "1101000111000001001011001100101010101010100001011010001101001101110000010011010101010100100101000101001011101111100101100011110000011010100000010111000100110011011000100100101111111000010111000111100000100011010100010101010110100000000011010110011111111100110110100010101101000110010010010010111001001110110100010011011001100101110100111000001110100110000110101101010010111111110001101000100110000010000000000001001001010110101111111111001101000010111001010011001100010101011001001001111111110011010010010101111011001010000110101111000011100110111100100010100111011101000011000111101011000110101111111110010111001101100011010100000000001110001111011011111110101010001100001100111000110011001001000111010011110101101100110001010011001100110100101001101111110100101111011110000110001111010100111111110001011100111001001011111111100001111000101100111000011011001100000011010000110010111100110110010011001101111100100001100110001010000001100100011111010000"

d = {}
for i in range(0, len(code), 7):
d[i] = ''

with open("signals.txt") as f:
for line in f:
code = line[10:].strip()
s = ''
for i in range(0, len(code), 7):
s += check(code[i:i+7])
d[i] += check(code[i:i+7])

s = ''
for v in d.values():
s += max(set(v), key=v.count)


Just launch it:

python3 script.py

This is the flag:


Original writeup (https://github.com/MicheleMosca/CTF/tree/main/Cyber%20Apocalypse%202023/Hardware/HM74).