Tags: buffer overflow pwn baby 



Just a wee little baby pwn.

**Knowledge required :**

1) Buffer Overflow


During the competition I did not look too much in detail in the program itself as my first attempt with a big random string succeeded.

1) Input a string big enough to overflow the buffer.After trying it out on the local machine - simply testing it on the challenge machine gave the flag

└─$ ./baby-pwn
Gimme some input: gdfgfggfdgdfgdfgdfgfgdgfdgdgfgfgfgdfgdgfdgfgfd

└─$ ./connect.sh
== proof-of-work: disabled ==
Gimme some input: gdfgfggfdgdfgdfgdfgfgdgfdgdgfgfgfgdfgdgfdgfgfd