Tags: warmup rev
# yowhatsthepassword - Beginner (50 pts)
## Description
> hey I lost the password :(
### Provided files
`main.py` - a Python script \[[download](https://ctfnote.shinmai.wtf:31337/files/downloadFile?id=RQFxntJKah4sleP)\]
### Ideas and observations
1. a comment in the script purpots the task is to guess a number between 0 and 2**32
2. the value the user inputs is compared agains a value generated from a base64 encoded string
3. if the values match, it's used to seed Python's random number generator and random integers between 97 and 126 are generated until one matches `ord('}')`
### Notes
1. we can just take the comparison value from the script and feed it ot the generator function to get the flag
### Solution script
import random
c = 0
while c != ord('}'):
c = random.randint(97, 126)