Tags: wireshark
LACTF_misc-EBE Write-up
author task: burturt
I was trying to send a flag to my friend over UDP, one character at a time, but it got corrupted! I think someone else was messing around with me and sent extra bytes, though it seems like they actually abided by RFC 3514 for once. Can you get the flag?
A pcap file is attached to the task. In which only UDP protocols.
If you look at the session you can see this
There is only 1 session in this traffic, so this information will not help us, it is clear that random characters + our flag. How to separate the flag? We know that the format of the flag is "lactf{..}" . Let's look at the hex value of the first one found {
Looking at the other hex values, we see that they differ by 64 01 and e4 c0
Having collected all protocols having 64 c1 through the filter, we will get our flag: lactf{3V1L_817_3xf1l7R4710N_4_7H3_W1N_51D43c8000034d0c}