
### Chall Desc : Animal Cruelty

These animals were trapped inside a picture! Can you name all of them in order to help them out?

What is the flag?!


Credit: Christoph T.


Soln :


We are given an image with animals. Using reverse image search, we don't get any relevant ciphers or info regarding crypto challenges.

Using intution and after some observation, I figured out it is using the first letter of each animal's name as a character.

Examples : tiger becomes t, snake becomes s, eagle becomes e etc.

Deciphering the code, we get : saveemallpls

#### THE FLAG : IGE{saveemallpls}


Thank you

Original writeup (https://github.com/ckc1404/CTF_writeups/blob/main/Inter_Gallactic_CTF/Cryptography/Animal%20Cruelty/readme.md).