Tags: web 


# Gain Access To Some Dashboards


Medium | web | 50 points


### Description

Look on the site and try to find services, there must be a dashboard to control the area


### First Impressions

We are given a random URL [https://1825d1f6964055e82bb5eda70bbc148d.challenge.hackazon.org/](https://1825d1f6964055e82bb5eda70bbc148d.challenge.hackazon.org/) which takes us to a very nice-looking webpage. None of the buttons seem to do anything so instead, I investigated the source code. Inside the source code is a link to the dashboard!

Our link is:


This directs us to a login page for “Grafana” where a quick search of the docs reveals the default login of admin:admin which happens to work here.

We are greeted with this dashboard and clicking the magnifying glass on the left allows us to switch to a different dashboard called “sample” which contains our first flag.

# Data Analysis


Medium | web | 75 points


### Description

Can you find and analyze the data for us? we need information, a code, something…


Switching back to our “system” dashboard, we find that the explore button takes us to a terminal where we can type commands to access a database. The buckets command reveals the following buckets (tables)

Querying the flag bucket gives us our second flag

# Services Intrusion


Medium | web | 175 points


### Description

there must be a way to retrieve sensitive AI data for the dashboard, find a way to break one service and get the flag hidden in the system


Unfortunately, I had no idea what to do with this part of the challenge and I have not solved it :(

Original writeup (https://github.com/Matilda12390/Hacky-Holidays-CTF-Writeups/blob/main/Graphing%20It%20Out/Writeup.md).