Tags: stego audio
We get a audio file which is just a song from a video game. There's not much to "hack" so there's probably something hidden inside the audio that we need to analyze. (FYI, this is called audio steganography.) Using some google skills and research, we guess that it might be something with spectral analysis (emphasis on guess). We can use an online tool (because it's easy) to analyze the audio spectrum. Of course you could use a more advanced tool but web tools are probably sufficient. Let's use [https://academo.org/demos/spectrum-analyzer/](https://academo.org/demos/spectrum-analyzer/). Upload the MP3 file (which you can find from the Vocaroo) and press play. You'll see something like this:

So it is hidden in the spectrum! Transcribing the text, we get `K1RBY1SCOOL`. But if we wrap this in `LITCTF{}`, it doesn't work. Why? Well, notice that there's a small exclamation mark at the end, next to the `L`:

More realistically, you would've asked CodeTiger. But anyways, the part inside the curly brackets is actually `K1RBY1SCOOL!`. So the flag is `LITCTF{K1RBY1SCOOL!}`.