# The Most Worthy Distinction of Pain
###### writeup by [phishfood](https://ctftime.org/user/136455)
## Challenge
We intercepted a code (`encrypted.txt`).
Yeah, so, this is a lot of nonsense. It's mostly words that start with d, but at least we know how it was created? (`encrypt.go`)
We also know where the dictionary file came from ([CROSSWD.TXT](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3201/files/CROSSWD.TXT))
Note: The `CROSSWD.TXT` file can be verified with an md5 hash of `e58eb7b851c2e78770b20c715d8f8d7b`. It starts with 1st word `aa`, and ends with the 113809th word `zymurgy`.
## Solution
### Starting Out
The first step is of course to take a look at the provided encrypted text, as well as the code that encrypted it.
`encrypted.txt` appears as follows:
depaints dexterous dilution droseras dissecting driveways depaints droughtier diluted demigods diluter beefing dogey dogfights diligently dusky beefing dogey dogfights desand beefing dilution duenna ditto duenna dockworkers departments dislocates drawbars beefing dogey dogfights diligently dusky beefiest eloigned demigods deteriorations edge defecation deadpanned dits diluted des detentes dementing desanded duelling demes deodorizing deafnesses devotees combusting capitalists embruting beefing dogey dogfights diligently dusky beefing dogey dogfights duskier beefing dogey dogfights desand doweling derangements departments dislocates drawbars disprized depaints demigods decrypted
I won't include all of `encrypt.go` here, but I will point out two aspects that are important to note:
1. The `readFlag` function reads in a file titled `flag.txt`, which can be presumed to be the plaintext of the ciphertext we are trying to decrypt:
func readFlag() (string, error) {
flag_file, err := os.Open("flag.txt")
if err != nil {
return "", err
defer flag_file.Close()
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(flag_file)
flag := scanner.Text()
return flag, nil
2. The `encrypt` function requires a file titled `CROSSWD.TXT` in order to function:
func encrypt(flag string) string {
codex_file, err := os.Open("CROSSWD.TXT")
if err != nil {
return "!"
defer codex_file.Close()
all_words := []string{}
combined := combine([]uint8(flag))
for _, c := range combined {
all_words = append(all_words, encode_one(c, codex_file))
return strings.Join(all_words, " ")
We will therefore need to add the files `flag.txt` and `CROSSWD.TXT` to the same directory as `encrypt.go`.
`CROSSWD.TXT` can be downloaded from the link provided in the problem description with the following command:
curl -O https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3201/files/CROSSWD.TXT
`flag.txt` should be added manually. Since we don't know what it contained originally, I'll be trying some different inputs to get an idea of how the encryption algorithm works.
### Testing Inputs
I began by running some different sample inputs through `encrypt.go` to get an idea of the encryption scheme. This can be done by creating a file named `flag.txt` containing plaintext and adding it to the working directory. Here is an approximate outline of some inputs (plaintexts) I tried, along with their outputs (ciphertexts) and what can be learned from them:
1. `a` > `decrypted`
2. `a` > `decrypted` (again)
- The encryption algorithm is deterministic; repeating an input will always yield the same output.
3. `ab` > `defat`
- Adding a second character results in an entirely different output than we might expect based on what we saw previously.
- *This doesn't bode well for a brute force solution, because it adds an element of unpredictability.*
4. `abc` > `defat delineated`
- Adding a third character does not affect the expected result for `ab`.
- This suggests that each word in the ciphertext corresponds to two letters in the plaintext (or one if there are an odd number of characters).
5. `abcdef` > `defat demeans des`
- Supports the previous assumption.
6. `efabcd` > `des defat demeans`
- Changing the position of a two letter sequence does not affect its corresponding cipher word.
7. `abdcef` > `defat deodorized des`
- Changing the position of a letter within its two letter sequence does affect the sequence's corresponding cipher word.
8. `byuctf{` > `dei duros duendes emperor`
- The algorithm is capable of handling special characters.
- The the original contents of `flag.txt` did not begin with `byuctf{` as one may have expected.
#### TL;DR: Each word in the ciphertext corresponds to a pair of letters in the plaintext.
Therefore, if we can determine which letter pairs get encoded to which cipher words, we can decrypt the ciphertext.
### Cracking the Key
After determining the nature of the algorithm, I decided that I could probably use an approach similar to how I solved [Copilot](https://github.com/BYU-CTF-group/old-ctf-challenges/blob/18c8f246756e79069c1cb1753c8bfea5e73e31f5/miscellaneous/copilot/README.md). For Copilot, I built the plaintext one character at a time, trying each letter in the alphabet until the resulting ciphertext matched the the provided ciphertext up to that point. The key difference for this challenge was that I would need to build the plaintext two characters at a time rather than one.
While building the plaintext for Copilot, I had to try (up to) every possible character for each corresponding number in the plaintext. For Copilot, this meant up to 100 tries for each number in the ciphertext that was decrypted. (Python's `string.printable` includes 100 characters.) In this case, I will want to be trying all possible *pairs* of letters for each word in the ciphertext, which means up to 10,000 (100×100) tries for each word that is decrypted.
Bruteforcing Copilot wasn't the speediest thing in the world, so doing something that takes 100 times longer probably isn't a good option. Luckily, I can take advantage of a property in this challenge's encryption algorithm that wasn't present in Copilot. Since letter pairs always correspond to the same word (see step 6 of [Testing Inputs](#Testing-Inputs)), regardless of their position in the plaintext, it's possible to keep track of which words correspond to which letters, and then just replace all occurrences of that word with the corresponding letter pair. This takes us from generating up to 10,000 letter pairs per cipher word (up to 77,000 pairs in total) down to exactly 10,000 letter pairs to crack the entire key!
Another advantage of letter pairs corresponding to the same word regardless of position is that it means we can test multiple values at once. In Copilot I had to write one character to the input file, run `copilot.go`, and then see how the change to the input affected the output. This time, I can write a bunch of letter pairs to the input file, run `encrypt.go`, and then match up all the cipher words in the output file to their corresponding letter pairs.
I initially tried just writing every letter pair to the input file, but the encryption script seemed to cut off the output after a certain length, so I ended up doing it in parts.
Here is the portion of my code that builds the cipher key (with some adjustments and added comments):
from string import printable
import os
key = dict()
# a = first letter in the pair, b = second letter in the pair
for a in printable:
# open the input (plaintext) file to write letter pairs to
input_file = open('flag.txt', 'w')
# keep track of what letter pairs are written in a list so that they can be matched up with their corresponding cipher words later on
letter_pairs = []
for b in printable:
input_file.write(a + b)
letter_pairs.append(a + b)
# run the encryption script with the resulting ciphertext being written to ouptut.txt
os.system('go run encrypt.go > output.txt')
# open output.txt and read the words into a list
output_file = open('output.txt', 'r')
words = output_file.read().split()
# match up each letter pair to the word it represents and store them in the key dictionary
for i in range(len(words)):
key[words[i]] = letter_pairs[i]
# display progress—show which word corresponds to which pair of letters
print(words[i], '=', letter_pairs[i])
Once the key is cracked, the ciphertext can be decrypted very quickly, as is done in the following section of code:
from collections import deque
flag = ''
ciphertext_words = deque(['depaints', 'dexterous', 'dilution', 'droseras', 'dissecting', 'driveways', 'depaints', 'droughtier', 'diluted', 'demigods', 'diluter', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'diligently', 'dusky', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'desand', 'beefing', 'dilution', 'duenna', 'ditto', 'duenna', 'dockworkers', 'departments', 'dislocates', 'drawbars', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'diligently', 'dusky', 'beefiest', 'eloigned', 'demigods', 'deteriorations', 'edge', 'defecation', 'deadpanned', 'dits', 'diluted', 'des', 'detentes', 'dementing', 'desanded', 'duelling', 'demes', 'deodorizing', 'deafnesses', 'devotees', 'combusting', 'capitalists', 'embruting', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'diligently', 'dusky', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'duskier', 'beefing', 'dogey', 'dogfights', 'desand', 'doweling', 'derangements', 'departments', 'dislocates', 'drawbars', 'disprized', 'depaints', 'demigods', 'decrypted'])
while len(ciphertext_words) != 0:
flag += key[ciphertext_words.popleft()]
print('!!! FLAG = ' + flag + ' !!!')
In [my actual code](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danieltaylor/ctf-writeups/main/byuctf-22/themostworthydistinctionofpain/key_cracker.py), I additionally printed the progress in decrypting the flag while the key was being cracked, checking each time the key was updated to see if the next word to appear in the ciphertext had been decoded. That can be seen in the demo below.
### Demo
*(While it would probably more exciting to watch this at 2x speed, I figured it would be more valuable to show it in realtime speed.)*