Tags: aes_ecb rust reversing 


# Nuts And Bolts

## Solution
- This challenge gave me 2 file (1 ELF file written by Rust and source code of chall).
- It using AES Encryption in mode ECB (line 15-18) to generate random key with 32 bytes. Then It will reverse an array or XOR with key and enc_output (after encrypted input by AES).
- That check (rng.gen<u8>() % 2 == 0) will be decided to reverse an array of AES_Key, AES_enc_flag or XOR with AES_key or AES_enc_flag in 10 times loops.

But in source code, we didn't know what value XORed with AESKey in XOR case, so we have to figure out in Rust binary.
* First, tracing to `generic_array::transmute::h6493315ee53e554b()`, we'll get an AESKey.

* After that, tracing to `nuts_and_bolts::StorageMethod$LT$_$GT$::xor::he5067cd565d835a0()`, we'll get an enc_AES_key.

* Finally, XOR both AESKey and enc_AES_key, we'll get a xorkey. It must be 0xd value.

- The final output key and output flag are the same format: `check_XOR_or_reverse + encrypted_key` and `check_XOR_or_reverse + encrypted_flag`, you can see these were stored in `memset()`. That's why we see the length of output_flag did not match with the orginal_flag.
- When we got a keyxor, we can reverse this algo, here is my script solve ![solve](solve.py).

Original writeup (https://github.com/MrEn1gma/Writeups/tree/main/HTB%20-%20Cyber%20Apocalypse/2022/Nuts%20And%20Bolts).