Rating: 5.0

# \[Misc\] - Cheapest Cookies 2

#### Points = 263

## Prompt

Now that Andrew knows which Costco has the cheapest cookies, he has to get there - as quickly as possible! He has given you 40 roads with the two endpoint locations and the distance of the road, and he starts at location 0 and the Costco is at location 20. All roads are 2-way roads, meaning you can go from x to y and from y to x. Please output the minimum distance needed to reach the Costco, and if there is no possible path, print -1. You will need to pass fifty tests to get the flag. And don't forget to be fast!

Sample Input:

0 20 18
4 8 2
0 4 8
4 20 6

Sample Output:


`nc tjc.tf 31111`

by andy

#### Hints

## Provided Files


## Write Up

- We are given a set of edges and are asked to find the shortest path between nodes #0 and #20, if it exists.
- This is a single source, shortest-path problem with positive, undirected edges.
- perfect case for Dijkstra's algorithm.
- I have implemented this before in Java and C++ but I'll do it again in python just for the excercise.
- I'll be using `pwntools` because it provides an easy way to make connections
- the code is commented for clarity

from pwn import *

# dijkstra
def calculate_path(edges):
# each node has [distance, prev_node, visited]
# for node 0
distance = [[0, 0, True]]

# initialize 20 other nodes
for i in range(20):
distance.append([1000, -1, False])

# source node
src = 0

# priority queue for the closest node
closest = []

while len(edges) != 0:
# loop through all edges for each node
i = 0
while i != len(edges):
# parse the edge data
edge = edges[i].split(' ')
first = int(edge[0])
second = int(edge[1])
weight = int(edge[2])

other = -1

# if the current edge has an end touching the src node
if first == src:
other = second

elif second == src:
other = first

# nothing to be done - move to next edge
i += 1

# process the edge
# remove from the list to avoid reading it twice

# skip the node if visited - shortest path already found
if distance[other][2] == True:

# update the shortest path
if distance[other][0] > (distance[src][0] + weight):
distance[other][0] = distance[src][0] + weight
distance[other][1] = src

# add to the queue
if not closest:
closest.append([distance[other][0], other])
j = 0
while j != len(closest):
if distance[other][0] < closest[j][0]:
j += 1
closest.insert(j, [distance[other][0], other])

# no more reachable nodes
if not closest:

# pop the closest node to node #0
next_src = closest.pop(0)
src = next_src[1]

# shortest path to 20 is found - no need to keep going
if src == 20:
return distance[20][0]

# mark node as visited
distance[src][2] = True

if distance[20][0] == 1000:
# node 20 is unreachable
return -1
return distance[20][0]

# make connection
tgt = remote('tjc.tf', 31111)

# initial prompt is different from subsequent prompts
recieved = tgt.recvuntil(b'answer: ')
recieved = recieved.decode('ascii').split('\n')

# solve case
lines = recieved[10:-2]
ret = str(calculate_path(lines))
tgt.sendline(bytes(ret, 'ascii'))

# print result
recieved = tgt.recvline(b': ')
recieved = recieved.decode('ascii')

# handle all cases
while True:
# recieve prompt
recieved = tgt.recvuntil(b': ')
recieved = recieved.decode('ascii').split('\n')

# caclulate and send answer
lines = recieved[1:-2]
ret = str(calculate_path(lines))
tgt.sendline(bytes(ret, 'ascii'))

# recieve and print result
recieved = tgt.recvline().decode('ascii')

if recieved == 'Test 50 passed!\n':
# recv until the end of the flag
lines = tgt.recvuntil(b'}')
lines = lines.decode('ascii').split('\n')
for line in lines:


## Flag


Original writeup (https://github.com/aly-ab/CTF-writeups/blob/main/notes/tjctf-2022/Misc%20-%20Cheapest%20Cookies%202.md).