Tags: js web 

Rating: 5.0

There's a flag somewhere, can you find it?

Go to the task website.
We see a web page where the title changes.

Open the Network tab in the browser to see which files are used on the web page.
A file named index-*.js just contains the code that changes the title. Code of this file - https://pastebin.com/BJLa6hsA

This code needs to be copied and formatted through any IDE for JavaScript or services with JS Beautify functionality https://codebeautify.org/jsviewer

We can see some base-64 encoded strings..


You need to decode each string and then concatenate them. As a result, you will see a flag.
Decoding this - `cm9sZSBtb2RlbCBhbmQgZ29vZCBjaXRpemVuIGFuZCBWb2xnYUNURntEWU40TTFDXzcxN0wz` getting a string `role model and good citizen and VolgaCTF{DYN4M1C_717L3`, its a first part. And decoding `X1IzNEM3XzQ4MzF9IGEgbGVhZGVyIHRoYXQgb3RoZXJzIGNhbiByZXNwZWN0LiBUaGVyZSBpcyBub3RoaW5n` we get a string `_R34C7_4831} a leader that others can respect. There is nothing`, its a second part. Resulting flag is `VolgaCTF{DYN4M1C_717L3_R34C7_4831}`

Original writeup (https://vk.com/mirea_devops).