Tags: osint
# Part-of-the-ship
Sometimes I worry about my friend... he's way too into memes, he's always smiling, and he's always spouting nonsense about some "forbidden app."
I don't know what he's talking about, but maybe you can help me figure it out! All I know is a username he used way back in the day.
Good luck! Flag format is sdctf{flag}
**Username** :
## Solution
We know that it has something to do with that "forbidden app" and a username DanFlashes on it. On googling, we got that the forbidden app is the ifunny app.
On clicking on any of the meme on ifunny it looks like ifunny.co/user/username. Search for DanFlashes, it shows no username Link. But going way back to internet archive,
there is a [profile](https://web.archive.org/web/20220128003432/https://ifunny.co/user/DanFlashes)
and on checking that the flag is there in the description.
Flag : sdctf{morning_noon_and_night_I_meme}