Alright so let's get started by looking at this nonsensse of an image.

At first I went through a rabbit hole and tried getting each pixel's hex value and converting it to ascii.
**SPOILER ALERT** - It didn't work.
I stumbled upon *[this article: https://omniglot.com/conscripts/hexahue.php](https://omniglot.com/conscripts/hexahue.php)*, and tried decoding it by hand. Soon I noticed the original image was upside down, so I rotated it using *gimp* and saved it as a new image that looked somewhat like this

I also found *[this tool: https://github.com/kusuwada/hexahue](https://github.com/kusuwada/hexahue)*, but couldn't get it to work as the pixels in the image would be of a slightly different color, and python was freaking out.
After succesfully decoding the image to a string, we get "KC4LBT1TN14PU0YN4C7VB3RUS". Looks like it's inversed. Let's fix that!
echo "KC4LBT1TN14PU0YN4C7VB3RUS" | rev
Putting that into the required format, we get the flag: "EZ-CTF{SUR3_BV7_C4N_Y0U_P41NT_1T_BL4CK}"