# Challenge description
Garfeld can hide secrets pretty well.
We were given a wav file which contained a pastebin link in it's spectrum.
Using sonic visualizer we can see it:
this link had what seems to be a hexdump of a file.
After alot of searching i found out that this is jpeg image, and we can tell because of the file headers
Notice we have:
and a JPEG header would look like this:
``` FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01 ```
The common bytes are ``49 46 00 01``
Changing the headers to the correct ones:
We get this image
we can see there's a text that looks like the flag but it's encrypted :
This took me the longest.. but i finally figured it out. We have to find the date of this image and use it as a Key for a gronsfeld cipher which is a version of vigenere that takes numbers as a key
``` Flag : vishwaCTF{i_heckin_love_lasagna} ```