
# Dweeno

## Category: Hardware

### We found this wack program running on an Arduino Mega using some spider-looking thing on a breadboard. The information we need is redacted in the program we found, but we managed to grab the serial output from the program. Help us figure out what this information is!

## A look at the resources

What do we have?

* source.ino - Arduino IDE sketch. Basically source code for some binary
* sketch.pdf - a connection diagram for whatever is running the said binary
* setup.jpg - a convenient photo of an actual real-world setup
* output.txt - some binary data; 38 lines-long, each line is 8 bits (probably a 38-character string)

## Analyzing the setup

The connection diagram caught my eye immediately. We can see an Arduino MEGA here, connected to an unidentified IC on the breadboard.

![screenshot of connection diagram](./res/sketch.png)

**4070** is written on the IC, so I do a quick lookup.

![screenshot of lookup](./res/4070-lookup.png)

This gives me an idea of what I may be looking at. Specifically, _4 XOR gates in one assembly_.

**setup.jpg** includes the actual IC marking.

![close-up of ic markings](./res/ic-markings.png)

Look _MC74HC86N_ up... And bingo! We have the pinout.

![datasheet screenshot](./res/IC-pinout.png)

Let's take a look at the source now.

**void loop()** is very simple to understand. Enjoy my explanation in the comments.

void loop() {
if (i < strlen(flag)) { //char * flag
curr = binary(flag[i]); //binary (int number) is converting the flag byte-by-byte into 8-bit binary strings
first = curr.substring(0,4); //first half of binary string
second = curr.substring(4,8); //second half of binary string
Serial.print(get_output(first)); //operate on the first half
Serial.println(get_output(second)); //operate on the second half

The only other function I'll explain is **String get_output(String bits)**.

String get_output(String bits) {
String output; // process 4 bits at a time
digitalWrite(out1, ((bits[0] == '1')? HIGH : LOW)); //write each bit in parallel to the 'out' pins
digitalWrite(out2, ((bits[1] == '1')? HIGH : LOW));
digitalWrite(out3, ((bits[2] == '1')? HIGH : LOW));
digitalWrite(out4, ((bits[3] == '1')? HIGH : LOW));
output += String(digitalRead(in1)); //collect each xor'd bit in parallel from the 'in' pins
output += String(digitalRead(in2));
output += String(digitalRead(in3));
output += String(digitalRead(in4));
return output; //that's it!

And here we have the mapping of our input and output pins.

int in1=29, in2=27, in3=25, in4=23;
int out1=53, out2=51, out3=49, out4=47;

With this, I'll simplify the connection diagram a bit.

![connection diagram with markings](./res/sketch-marked.png)

Here, I marked each XOR operation in order. Basically, the gates take one input from the corresponding pin on the Arduino, and the other from either +5V bus or GND bus. +5V is a logical 1 in this case, while GND is a logical 0.

## Writing a script to decode the output

With this information, writing a decoder is as simple, as xoring each line in **output.txt** one more time.


import sys

outstr = "" # create output string

def xor(bits):

ret = ""

ret += str(int(bits[0]) ^ 0) #xor 4 bits at a time
ret += str(int(bits[1]) ^ 1)
ret += str(int(bits[2]) ^ 0)
ret += str(int(bits[3]) ^ 1)

return ret

with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as inFile: #take filename as argv[1]

for line in inFile.readlines():

line = line.strip()

part1 = line[0:4] #divide each line into 4-bit parts
part2 = line[4:8]

outstr += chr(int(xor(part1) + xor(part2),2)) #xor the two parts, concatenate them, convert everything to a character, append to output string


./rev.py output.txt

Easy. But very neat :)

Fantastic hardware challenge for beginners IMO.

Original writeup (https://github.com/project-kaat/ctf-writeups/tree/main/NahamConCTF2022/Dweeno).