
After I pinged skittle-chan(bot) in the discord, I got first hint of the challenge.


That hint was referring to Base64. So, I used Cyberchef (https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/) to decode from Base64.


`$sudo heck heckur`

That was sent to skittle-chan. Then, I got the second hint of the challenge.


This time the hint was refering to ROT13. So, I used the Cyberchef again to decode with ROT13.



Again, that was sent to skittle-chan. Then, I got the final hint of the challenge.


This time the hint was refering to Vigenere. So, I used Cyberchef again to decode the Vigenere using 'Beluga' as key.



That was the flag that was needed to be submitted.

Original writeup (https://github.com/ninchy0/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/CUCTF1.0/Crypto/Skittle-chan's%20secret).