Tags: 2022 rev tamuctf
REDo2 ended up being worth 152 points in the Reverse Engineering category in TAMU CTF 2022!

## Step 1: I much rather read Pseudo-C
I can read assembly and have in the past when my disassemblers have lost track of what is happening or if I am in gdb, but I’ve been spoiled by [Binary Ninja](https://binary.ninja/) and [Ghidra](https://ghidra-sre.org/) so why not just assemble the code ?
If you run
gcc -g -m32 -c redo2.s -o redo2
The assembler throws a bunch of error messages because the gnu assembler [GAS]() expected At&t Syntax, so we switch it to intel by adding the `.intel_syntax noprefix` line at the top of the file!
Compiling and running it through Binary Ninja, we get:
void* const var_4 = __return_addr
int32_t* var_10 = &arg1
int32_t eax_1
if (arg1 != 2)
eax_1 = 1
void* var_14_1 = nullptr
while (true)
if (var_14_1 s> 0x1c)
char* eax_7 = malloc(0x1d)
for (void* var_18_1 = nullptr; var_18_1 s<= 0x1c; var_18_1 = var_18_1 + 1)
*(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4))
*(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(eax_7 + var_18_1) - 0x31
if (*eax_7 != eax_7[2])
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[1] != 0x38)
eax_1 = 1
else if (*eax_7 != 0x36)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[3] != 0x34)
eax_1 = 1
else if (sx.d(eax_7[0x1c]) != sx.d(eax_7[5]) + 2)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[5] != 0x4a)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[4] != 0x3c)
eax_1 = 1
int32_t var_1c_1 = 0
while (true)
if (var_1c_1 s> 2)
int32_t var_20_1 = 0
while (true)
if (var_20_1 s> 3)
int32_t var_24_1 = 0
while (true)
if (var_24_1 s> 4)
if (sx.d(eax_7[0x15]) != sx.d(eax_7[0xf]) + 1)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0xe])
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0x14])
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0x16])
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[9] != 0x2e)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[0x1b] != 1)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[0x1a] != 2)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[0x17] != 3)
eax_1 = 1
else if (eax_7[0x18] == 4)
eax_1 = sx.d(eax_7[0x19])
eax_1 = 1
if (eax_7[var_24_1 + 0xf] != 0x32)
eax_1 = 1
var_24_1 = var_24_1 + 1
if (eax_7[var_20_1 + 0xa] != 0x31)
eax_1 = 1
var_20_1 = var_20_1 + 1
if (eax_7[var_1c_1 + 6] != 0x30)
eax_1 = 1
var_1c_1 = var_1c_1 + 1
if (*(var_14_1 + *(arg2 + 4)) == 0)
eax_1 = 1
var_14_1 = var_14_1 + 1
return eax_1
Let’s start with this for loop that gives 2 significant things away, the size of our buffer is `0x1c`, and every character is shifted down by `0x31`. At the time I had 0 clue what the `*(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4))` line is all about, but it didn’t seem to be relevant.
for (void* var_18_1 = nullptr; var_18_1 s<= 0x1c; var_18_1 = var_18_1 + 1)
*(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4))
*(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(eax_7 + var_18_1) - 0x31
Now, it’s clear that EAX_7 is our flag buffer, so I Command-F `!=` and replaced it with `=` and then copied all of the conditions to a python file and made the index being checked equal to the value being checked against.
flag = [0]*39
flag[0x1] = 0x38
flag[0x0] = 0x36
flag[0x3] = 0x34
flag[0x5] = 0x4a
flag[0x2] = flag[0]
flag[28] = flag[0x5] + 2
flag[0x4] = 0x3c
flag[0x15] = flag[0xf] + 1
flag[9] = 0x2e
flag[0xe] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x14] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x16] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x1b] = 1
flag[0x1a] = 2
flag[0x17] = 3
flag[0x18] = 4 # Tricky
flag[0x19] = 0 # Tricky
`0x19` is tricky because it’s actually set as the return status, assuming the return status is supposed to be 0 (pretty sure the assembler might have done this). Also, I had to move the order of `0xe`, `0x14`, and `0x16` around after `0x09` was defined.
Now the only thing is the while loops which are translated to python, look like this:
for o in range(0, 3):
for k in range(0,4):
for j in range(0,5):
flag[j + 0xf] = 0x32
flag[k + 0xa] = 0x31
flag[o + 0x6] = 0x30
So all together along with our shift by `0x31`, the `solve.py` looks like this:
flag = [0]*39
flag[0x1] = 0x38
flag[0x0] = 0x36
flag[0x3] = 0x34
flag[0x5] = 0x4a
flag[0x2] = flag[0]
flag[28] = flag[0x5] + 2
flag[0x4] = 0x3c
for o in range(0, 3):
for k in range(0,4):
for j in range(0,5):
flag[j + 0xf] = 0x32
flag[k + 0xa] = 0x31
flag[o + 0x6] = 0x30
flag[0x15] = flag[0xf] + 1
flag[9] = 0x2e
flag[0xe] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x14] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x16] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x1b] = 1
flag[0x1a] = 2
flag[0x17] = 3
flag[0x18] = 4 # Tricky
flag[0x19] = 0 # Tricky
# Decode
for i in range(0, 39):
# flag[i] += i
flag[i] += 0x31
print(''.join(list(map(lambda x: chr(x), flag))))
After running the solver, it looks like the flag was shorter than the buffer, but we can ignore the `1`’s in the end and submit the `gigem{aaa_bbbb_ccccc_d_45132}`.
╭─alex at Howl in ⌁/Fold/TAMU22/redo2
╰─λ python3 solve.py
╭─alex at Howl in ⌁/Fold/TAMU22/redo2