Tags: email forensic
## Pt. 1
We get an email file (.eml) and the challenge is to find out what was deleted from the file...
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From: crew ctf <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 08:02:49 +0200
Message-ID: <CAG+6dK2LBZJeWOCXgSp_JnxShdjjkuoXpcxp3ChSLQ6dfkUjZQ@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: Help me!
To: [email protected]
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Hey, crushed kiwi I hate this loop of college, and I need your help. Can
you meet me at lost immediately?
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I realized that it has to be from a google email so I sent myself an email and compared both.
The `X-Gm-Message-State:` Header is missing!
This was the solution for the first part of the challenge.