Tags: reverse_engineering 

Rating: 1.0

# Self-Hosted Crypto
## Challenge
## Solution
Convert content from file encrypted to Hex\
Then convert to Decimal, so I get an array of numbers
115 121 110 116 136 78 108 111 65 113 108 86 113 64 65 46 62 46 138 10
And here is the pseudocode from the file giving by challenge\
After reading, I wrote a short python script to calculate.
list = [115, 121, 110, 116, 136, 78, 108, 111, 65, 113, 108, 86, 113, 64, 65, 46, 62, 46, 138, 10]

out = []
for number in list:
number = number - 13

It just minus each number by 13, then convert them to ASCII and get the flag.

Original writeup (https://github.com/TwentySick/CTF/tree/main/2022/HackPack%20CTF/reverse_engineering/self-hosted_crypto).