Tags: web
# Ernst Echidna (Web, 50pts)
## Problem
Can you hack (url provided) website? The robots.txt sure looks interesting.
## Solution
We've got simple web page, which allows us to register an account:
![Ernst Echidna](assets/1.png)
Register form:
![Ernst Echidna](assets/2.png)
_robots.txt_ reveals one hidden path:
Disallow: /admin
At above url there's hidden administration panel and we need to has administration rights to access it.
After successful registration a cookie with MD5 hash of our login is set:
![Ernst Echidna](assets/3.png)
Simple change cookie content to MD5('admin') and refreshing browser tab allows to access panel:
![Ernst Echidna](assets/4.png)
...and reveals the flag:
![Ernst Echidna](assets/5.png)