Tags: misc
This challenge is divided into three stages. The first part starts with a web page vulnerable by XXE injection.

To get the files from the machine, you can use the following snippet of code:
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"}
safe_string = urllib.parse.quote_plus(f']><form><username>&sp;</username><password>p</password></form>')
r = s.post(f"{url}/login/", data='xml='+safe_string, headers=headers)
The goal of this first phase is to access the docker secrets. So we can create a token as admin and access the '/private' link. This page contains the following information:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style.css"></link>
<div class="wrapper fadeInDown">
<div id="formContent">
<h2 class="active"> Private Data </h2>
The second stage requires downloading the dump.zip file at ``
Inside this zip file, there are 3 files:
- contacts.csv: which contains an id, name, surname and the social network of the subjects
- leak.csv: which is supposed to be anonymized, but it was incorrectly anonymized.
- README.md: a readme file with some hints about what should be done.
# About
We did a mistake during the anonymization process of this data. The person responsible for anonymizing the dataset did not respect Mister K5. If you find the right person, you will find his/her social network. The flag is there.
One of the most used anonymization techniques is k-anonymity. One of its principles indicates that an anonymised dataset should have at least k records with the same quasi-identifiers. We can obtain that information by using the following command:
cat leak.csv |cut -d ',' -f 2,3,4 |sort |uniq -c |sort -n -r
The result of this operation is a female person with 25 years living in the zip-code area 3810-391 (25,female,3810-391). This quasi identifier only occurs 4 times, which does not respect the k-anonymization rule. By retrieving the 4 entries, we can see that there is one with a social_network_id, that we can correlate with the contacts.csv file. This way we obtain the Alina Petrov on Facebook.
$ cat leak.csv| grep 25,female,3810-391
The third phase is based on OSINT and the goal is to find the flag on Alina's profile. This flag is in a video of DETI (the organizers' department)
## Flag