Tags: guess zlib bruteforce
- Given a seed and a string, the server shuffles the FLAG based on the seed and prepend with the string. We can get the original and the compressed size of the final string.
Please send: seed:string\n
I'll then show you the compression benchmark results!
Note: Flag has format DrgnS{[A-Z]+}
none 26
zlib 34
bzip2 63
lzma 84
- `none` means not compressing. So, we know the length of the unknown FLAG is $26 - 1 - 7 = 18$.
- Specify the seed, which means we can know the original position of each character after the FLAG is shuffled.
- Use `DrgnS{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR}` locally to observe.
- With `seed = 1`, the shuffled FLAG begins with the letter `E`.
- It is observed that when the input string is 4 identical letters, the length of `EEEE` and the shuffled FLAG string compressed with zlib or bzip2 will be smaller than other letters.
none 29
zlib 35
bzip2 69
lzma 88
none 29
zlib 37
bzip2 70
lzma 88
none 29
zlib 37
bzip2 70
lzma 88
- Firstly, find the seed that shuffles each letter as the beginning.
import random
flag_pos = b'DrgnS{ABCTEFGHIJKLMNOPQR}' # 为方便查找,每个字符均不相同
d = {}
for i in range(10000):
tflag = bytearray(flag_pos)
if tflag[0] in b'ABCTEFGHIJKLMNOPQR' and tflag[0] not in d:
d[tflag[0]] = i
if len(d) == 18:
- Secondly, brute force each letter (PS: There is a certain element of luck. If the seed is not well-selected, it will be difficult to use the size of the compressed string to judge because it starts with consecutive letters. ).
import pwn
conn = pwn.remote("compresstheflag.hackable.software", 1337)
flag = list('DrgnS{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}')
for k in d:
min, mic = 0xffff, 'A'
for c in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1):
conn.send(f'{d[k]}:{chr(c) * 4}\n')
l = int(conn.recvline_contains('zlib').split(b' ')[-1])
if l < min:
min, mic = l, chr(c)
flag[flag_pos.find(chr(k))] = mic