Tags: powershell reversing 


1. After unzipping you will have a script like this:

( [ruNtimE.iNTErOpServiCes.mARSHaL]::pTRtOSTRINgUnI( [RUnTiME.INteroPSERVIceS.mArsHAL]::sEcUrEsTrINgTOgLObalaLLoCUNICodE($('$PAYLOAD' |CONvErtTo-secURESTRInG -k (33..2)) ) )) | . ((VaRiAbLe '*MDr*').nAme[3,11,2]-JoIn'')

*Here I replaced the payload with `$PAYLOAD`

Here we can see 3 PowerShell function:




I have not worked with a PowerShell before, so I'm not sure how exactly all of the APIs works, but I can assume that here the script just deobfuscates the payload and tries to run it as a command using pipe.

1. My thinking was that we can run the part that comes before the pipe to deobfuscate the payload:

This part:

[ruNtimE.iNTErOpServiCes.mARSHaL]::pTRtOSTRINgUnI( [RUnTiME.INteroPSERVIceS.mArsHAL]::sEcUrEsTrINgTOgLObalaLLoCUNICodE($('$PAYLOAD' |CONvErtTo-secURESTRInG -k (33..2)) ) )

And sure enough it yields the reall code, after some prettyfying it looks like this:

Set-Variable -Name nU0 -Value ([typE]("{4}{2}{5}{0}{6}{1}{3}{10}{9}{8}{7}"-f 'TY.CrYP','ogrAp','ystEm','H','s','.seCUrI','T','oRIThM','Alg','h','y.hAs'));

Set-Variable -Name Clob -Value ([TyPe]("{4}{5}{3}{0}{2}{1}"-F'OnV','r','eRtE','tc','SysteM.b','i'));

SET-iTeM vaRiabLe:OMz ( [tYPE]("{1}{0}{2}" -f'con','SYSTEM.','vERT'));

SEt-ITEM vARIABlE:pO52Ew ([typE]("{1}{4}{2}{3}{0}"-F'Ng','sYstEM','t.eNc','OdI','.teX') ) ;

sEt-itEm ('va'+'ria'+'BLE:'+'2L36D') ( [typE]("{0}{1}"-F'sTrin','G')) ;

function w`FKh(${S`TR}) {
Set-Variable -Name SBvn -Value (( VaRIAbLe ('nU'+'0') ).vAlUE::("{0}{1}"-f'Creat','e').Invoke(("{2}{0}{1}" -f'a25','6','sh')))
Set-Variable -Name gchekrns -Value (${Sb`Vn}."COM`pUTeh`ASH"( ( ls VaRIAblE:Po52ew ).Value::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}" -f 'GetB','ytes').Invoke(${S`Tr})))
Set-Variable -Name ANVI -Value ($CLOB::("{2}{1}{0}" -f'g','Strin','To').Invoke(${g`C`he`KrNs}))
return ${an`VI}.("{1}{0}{2}" -f 'c','Repla','e').Invoke('-', '')

function yu`FAs(${Bs`Nz}, ${w`cin}) {
Set-Variable -Name uRcnB -Value (&("{0}{1}{2}"-f 'Ge','t','-Item') ${B`SnZ})
foreach(${_} in ${UR`cNB}.("{0}{1}{2}"-f 'G','etSubkeyName','s').Invoke()){
Set-Variable -Name NaMe -Value (${U`RCnB}."NA`mE" + "\" + ${_})
Set-Variable -Name GcHEKRNS -Value (.("{1}{0}" -f'fkh','w') ${NA`Me})
if(${w`CIN} -eq ${g`chEk`RNS}){
return &("{1}{0}" -f'h','wfk') ${_}
return ("{0}{1}"-f 'N','OPE!')

function v1(${In}) {
Set-Variable -Name keY -Value (&("{0}{1}" -f 'yu','fas') ((("{4}{2}{1}{3}{0}" -f 's','TWA','M:dQUSOF','REdQUClasse','HKL'))."Rep`lA`cE"('dQU',[stRInG][cHar]92)) ("{4}{12}{5}{2}{3}{7}{9}{15}{10}{6}{11}{0}{14}{8}{19}{17}{1}{18}{16}{13}"-f'EE9D','92C','CAF12F','68','E','ECC8','DE5','B064E','166AA','AC31','F531','B00A2','8','C0','F2','4','F5','1','F29B6','5724'))
Set-Variable -Name Key -Value (( variablE ("O"+"MZ")).vAlue::"tO`BAs`e6`4sTRINg"( ( gEt-cHIldItEM ("varIa"+"bl"+"E:P"+"O52E"+"W") ).VaLue::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}" -f'G','etBytes').Invoke(${k`Ey})))
Set-Variable -Name CODE -Value (@(-7, -39, -16, 18, -12, 0, 7, -34, -5, -62, -38, -11, 1, -3, -17, -53, -18, -19, 46, 58))
Set-Variable -Name iN -Value (( geT-cHilDIteM VariablE:oMZ).vaLuE::"TOba`SE`6`4StR`ing"( (VAriablePO52eW -vAl )::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}{2}"-f'G','etB','ytes').Invoke(${I`N})))
Set-Variable -Name iN -Value (${i`N}[0 .. ${i`N}."LE`NGTh"])
foreach(${I} in (0 .. (${i`N}."l`EN`gTH" - 1))){
${In}[${I}] = [char]([Int]([char]${iN}[${I}]) + ${CO`dE}[${i}])
if (${in}[${i}] -ne ${k`ey}[${i}]){
return ${FA`L`se}
return ${Tr`Ue}

function v`2(${I`N}) {
Set-Variable -Name keY -Value (.("{1}{0}"-f 'ufas','y') ((("{3}{2}{4}{0}{5}{1}"-f 'SOFTWARE','TKClasses','T','HKLM:P','K','P')) -crePLAce([ChAr]80+[ChAr]84+[ChAr]75),[ChAr]92) ("{5}{3}{16}{10}{17}{7}{19}{1}{9}{12}{2}{13}{8}{0}{6}{14}{11}{15}{18}{4}" -f '4','9','B','F0B','1','7D','111','F','2','A','953BAF801F','F','C','A485','6','6CBD36CE','C456','DF5703C0','1','DB2A73A1759'))
Set-Variable -Name Key -Value ((GEt-varIABle ('O'+'mz') -VAluEo )::"TO`BaSe6`4`sTRing"( $Po52eW::"ut`F8".("{1}{2}{0}" -f 's','G','etByte').Invoke(${K`Ey})))
Set-Variable -Name COde -Value (@(-6, 20, -35, -17, -7, -1, -21, -49, 6, 1, -8, -33, -18, -3, -23, -56, -11, 3, 5, 7))
Set-Variable -Name iN -Value ((VaRiAbLE OMz -Va)::"TO`B`AsE6`4stRING"( ( varIablE ('Po'+'5'+'2eW') -VALU)::"u`Tf8".("{0}{1}{2}" -f'Ge','tBy','tes').Invoke(${In})))
Set-Variable -Name In -Value (${iN}[0 .. ${In}."leN`g`Th"])
foreach(${i} in (0 .. (${I`N}."lenG`Th" - 1))){
${in}[${i}] = [char]([System.Int32]([char]${I`N}[${I}]) + ${cO`DE}[${i}])
if (${in}[${i}] -ne ${K`Ey}[${i}]){
return ${f`ALSE}
return ${Tr`Ue}

function V`3(${I`N}) {
Set-Variable -Name kEY -Value (&("{0}{1}"-f'yufa','s') ((("{3}{4}{1}{5}{2}{0}"-f 'EvldClasses',':vldSO','AR','HKL','M','FTW')) -cREpLacE'vld',[CHAr]92) ("{10}{15}{4}{7}{16}{3}{6}{8}{0}{14}{2}{5}{13}{1}{12}{11}{9}{17}"-f'4BAAB1','B','7024','144D8','BB','A','1A9','AA97ECB3DE22A3','3B','4','8E0F76163','1F','7','E','6B21','2547D','41','2'))
Set-Variable -Name key -Value ((varIaBlE oMz -vAluE )::"tObA`se64`STrI`NG"( $Po52ew::"ut`F8".("{2}{0}{1}"-f 'Byt','es','Get').Invoke(${k`eY})))
Set-Variable -Name cODe -Value (@(-20, 35, -5, 0, -11, -20, 29, -52, -17, 52, 9, 3, 4, -15, -13, 35, -24, -33, 28, 61))
Set-Variable -Name IN -Value ((gET-item VARIaBlE:OmZ ).valUe::"TOba`sE6`4s`TR`Ing"( (Get-VaRIaBlE Po52ew ).VAluE::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}{2}" -f'G','etB','ytes').Invoke(${IN})))
Set-Variable -Name in -Value (${i`N}[0 .. ${iN}."len`Gth"])
foreach(${I} in (0 .. (${IN}."Leng`Th" - 1))){
${I`N}[${i}] = [char]([System.Int32]([char]${I`N}[${i}]) + ${c`oDe}[${I}])
if (${i`N}[${i}] -ne ${k`Ey}[${i}]){
return ${F`ALsE}
return ${TR`UE}

Set-Variable -Name INPUT -Value (.("{0}{2}{1}" -f'Read','st','-Ho') ("{4}{5}{0}{2}{3}{8}{1}{6}{7}"-f 't','eiv','h','e flag ','P','lease enter ','e y','our flag','to rec'))

if (${i`N`PUT}."l`eNGTh" -eq 39) {
${pA`RT1} = $2l36d::"J`oIN"("", ${i`NPUT}[ 0..12])
${p`Art2} = ( GeT-vaRiaBLE ("2l3"+"6d") -valUeoNlY )::"j`OiN"("", ${in`P`Ut}[13..25])
${PA`Rt3} = ( Gci ('VA'+'riA'+'blE:'+'2l36D') ).vaLue::"jO`IN"("", ${INp`Ut}[26..39])
if ((.('v1') ${P`Ar`T1}) -and (&('v2') ${p`ART2}) -and (.('v3') ${P`ARt3})) {
.("{2}{1}{0}"-f '-Host','te','Wri') ((("{5}{9}{7}{6}{4}{2}{0}{8}{1}{3}"-f' why e','en ask',' flag, so','?','got the','Y',' clearly already ','e','v','ouo9tv')) -cReplaCE 'o9t',[cHAr]39)
} else {
&("{1}{3}{2}{0}" -f 'st','Write-','o','H') ("{1}{4}{2}{0}{3}" -f'y','No',' for ','ou.',' flag')
} else {
&("{0}{2}{1}"-f'Writ','t','e-Hos') ("{2}{0}{1}{3}{4}"-f'a','g for yo','No fl','u','.')

Here we can see lots of code mangled using mix of upper and lower cases, some strings shuffling runtime type resolving and dynamic invokation. I didn't want to got deep and demangle all of this code so I decide to run it part by part.

1. At the near end we can see:

Set-Variable -Name INPUT -Value (.("{0}{2}{1}" -f'Read','st','-Ho') ("{4}{5}{0}{2}{3}{8}{1}{6}{7}"-f 't','eiv','h','e flag ','P','lease enter ','e y','our flag','to rec'))

Running pieces like this:

("{4}{5}{0}{2}{3}{8}{1}{6}{7}"-f 't','eiv','h','e flag ','P','lease enter ','e y','our flag','to rec')

Yields the corresponging string (we can do this for all of the code):

Set-Variable -Name INPUT -Value (.("Read-Host") ("Please enter the flag to receive your flag"))

We clearly see that that is a flag prompt.

1. Following same technique we can uderstand the flow better:

if (${i`N`PUT}."l`eNGTh" -eq 39) {
${pA`RT1} = $2l36d::"J`oIN"("", ${i`NPUT}[ 0..12])
${p`Art2} = ( GeT-vaRiaBLE ("2l3"+"6d") -valUeoNlY )::"j`OiN"("", ${in`P`Ut}[13..25])
${PA`Rt3} = ( Gci ('VA'+'riA'+'blE:'+'2l36D') ).vaLue::"jO`IN"("", ${INp`Ut}[26..39])
if ((.('v1') ${P`Ar`T1}) -and (&('v2') ${p`ART2}) -and (.('v3') ${P`ARt3})) {

Here it basically checks if the lenght of the input is equal to `39`, if so, it splits the input into 3 variables: `part1` from `[0..12]`, `part2` from `[26..39]` and `part3` from `[26..39]`. And validaes each part by calling `v1`, `v2` and `v3` functions and passing the corresponding parts as a parameters.

1. Let's try to better understand what each function is doing:

Here is `v1`:

function v1(${In}) {
Set-Variable -Name keY -Value (&("{0}{1}" -f 'yu','fas') ((("{4}{2}{1}{3}{0}" -f 's','TWA','M:dQUSOF','REdQUClasse','HKL'))."Rep`lA`cE"('dQU',[stRInG][cHar]92)) ("{4}{12}{5}{2}{3}{7}{9}{15}{10}{6}{11}{0}{14}{8}{19}{17}{1}{18}{16}{13}"-f'EE9D','92C','CAF12F','68','E','ECC8','DE5','B064E','166AA','AC31','F531','B00A2','8','C0','F2','4','F5','1','F29B6','5724'))
Set-Variable -Name Key -Value (( variablE ("O"+"MZ")).vAlue::"tO`BAs`e6`4sTRINg"( ( gEt-cHIldItEM ("varIa"+"bl"+"E:P"+"O52E"+"W") ).VaLue::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}" -f'G','etBytes').Invoke(${k`Ey})))
Set-Variable -Name CODE -Value (@(-7, -39, -16, 18, -12, 0, 7, -34, -5, -62, -38, -11, 1, -3, -17, -53, -18, -19, 46, 58))
Set-Variable -Name iN -Value (( geT-cHilDIteM VariablE:oMZ).vaLuE::"TOba`SE`6`4StR`ing"( (VAriablePO52eW -vAl )::"uT`F8".("{0}{1}{2}"-f'G','etB','ytes').Invoke(${I`N})))
Set-Variable -Name iN -Value (${i`N}[0 .. ${i`N}."LE`NGTh"])
foreach(${I} in (0 .. (${i`N}."l`EN`gTH" - 1))){
${In}[${I}] = [char]([Int]([char]${iN}[${I}]) + ${CO`dE}[${i}])
if (${in}[${i}] -ne ${k`ey}[${i}]){
return ${FA`L`se}
return ${Tr`Ue}

After some cleanup:

function v1(${in}) {
Set-Variable -Name key -Value (&("yufas") ("HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes" ("E8ECC8CAF12F68B064EAC314F531DE5B00A2EE9DF2166AA5724192CF29B6F5C0")))

Set-Variable -Name key -Value (( Variable ("OMZ")).vAlue::"ToBase64String"(( Get-ChildItem ("varIablE:PO52EW")).VaLue::"UTF8".("GetBytes").Invoke(${key})))

Set-Variable -Name code -Value (@(-7, -39, -16, 18, -12, 0, 7, -34, -5, -62, -38, -11, 1, -3, -17, -53, -18, -19, 46, 58))
Set-Variable -Name in -Value (( Get-ChildItem Variable:oMZ).value::"ToBase64String"( (VariablePO52eW -val)::"UTF8".("GetBytes").Invoke(${in})))

Set-Variable -Name in -Value (${in}[0 .. ${in}."length"])
foreach(${i} in (0 .. (${in}."length" - 1))){
${in}[${i}] = [char]([Int]([char]${in}[${I}]) + ${code}[${i}])
if (${in}[${i}] -ne ${key}[${i}]){
return ${False}
return ${True}

Here we can see, that if constructs some registry key, pass it to `yufas` function and stores the results as `key` variable.

Using globaly declared `OMZ` wich is a reference to `System.Convert` object it converts key into `base64` string.

`$code` variable is declered as array of constant ints.

Also function only parameter `$in` is also converted to `base64`.

After that we can see a for-loop that itterates over the `$in`, sums it with a corresponding element from `$code` and checks if the result is equal to element from `$key` if no functions immediatly returns `False`.

1. Running the parts of `v1` seperatly:

Set-Variable -Name key -Value (&("yufas") ("HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes" ("E8ECC8CAF12F68B064EAC314F531DE5B00A2EE9DF2166AA5724192CF29B6F5C0")))

Set-Variable -Name key -Value (( Variable ("OMZ")).vAlue::"ToBase64String"(( Get-ChildItem ("varIablE:PO52EW")).VaLue::"UTF8".("GetBytes").Invoke(${key})))

It yields the `base64` that our input is compared against:


We can now do the reverse, and subsctract `$code` from the `$key` to get the desired input:


import base64

def decode(key, code):
user_in = [ord(k) - c for (k, c) in zip(key, code)]
user_in = base64.b64decode(''.join([chr(x) for x in user_in]))
return user_in

flag = []

# v1
code = [-7, -39, -16, 18, -12, 0, 7, -34, -5, -62, -38, -11, 1, -3, -17, -53, -18, -19, 46, 58]
flag += decode(key, code)

# v2
code = [-6, 20, -35, -17, -7, -1, -21, -49, 6, 1, -8, -33, -18, -3, -23, -56, -11, 3, 5, 7]
flag += decode(key, code)

# v3
code = [-20, 35, -5, 0, -11, -20, 29, -52, -17, 52, 9, 3, 4, -15, -13, 35, -24, -33, 28, 61]
flag += decode(key, code)

print(''.join([chr(x) for x in flag]))

The flag is `MetaCTF{P0w3rSHELL_!$_the_literal_B35T}`

Original writeup (https://github.com/danylokos/ctf-writeups/blob/master/metactf-2021-far-from-the-weakest-shell.md).