Challenge author: tomadimitrie
Can you tell me a secret?
## Analysis
In this challenge we were given an ELF-64bit named `secret` with no canary, NX enabled, and PIE is also enabled.
$ file secret; checksec secret
secret: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=c218ee479df643755efef28fb34263d506c68e61, not stripped
[*] '/home/kali/Documents/TFC CTF/secret'
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: No canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
Let's try to run it
Tell me a secret
chicken nugget
I have already heard that one, sorry
It seems that the program will print `I have already heard that one, sorry` if the input doesn't match the if condition. Let's open the program using ida to see what the source code looks like.
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
char s[8]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-20h]
__int64 v5; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-18h]
__int64 v6; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-10h]
__int64 v7; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-8h]
setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
puts("Tell me a secret");
*(_QWORD *)s = 0LL;
v5 = 0LL;
v6 = 0LL;
v7 = 0LL;
fgets(s, 32, stdin);
if ( *(_QWORD *)s == -6144092014192636707LL )
puts("hmm, interesting");
system("cat flag");
puts("I have already heard that one, sorry");
return 0;
From the main function, it seems that we need to match the if condition. But the number is too large, let's see it in the other forms by right click the number and choose the other forms.
Let's try change it into hexadecimal
puts("hmm, interesting");
system("cat flag");
From the hexadecimal, now we know that we can use 0xAABBCCDDAABBCCDD or 0xaabbccddaabbccdd (it is the same) for the input to the challenge and we don't need to input the `LL`. Let's try input it manually
$ ./secret
Tell me a secret
I have already heard that one, sorry
We know that the input are correct. But it doesn't give the flags. Since the program are in 64 bit, the layout might not be match. So let's use pwntools library to pack the input into 64 bit format.
## Exploit
Let's make a solver using python
from pwn import *
secret = 0xaabbccddaabbccdd
s = process("./secret")
Now we need to do is just run the program to make sure it works!
Since it works, lets test on remote server by adding host, port and replacing `s = process("./secret")` to `s = remote(host, port)`
from pwn import *
host = "server.challenge.ctf.thefewchosen.com"
port = 1342
secret = 0xaabbccddaabbccdd
s = remote(host, port)
Now all we need to do is just run the program
Flag: `TFCCTF{Y0ur_s3cret_1s_s4f3_w1th_m3!}`