

## Description

My weird friend did it again! I gave him my list of questions and asked him for a quick response. He took things literally and this is what he gave me!? Can you make any sense of it?

## Attachments

## Writeup

The word "quick response" leads me to "QR Code". By entering the content into [Binary to QR Code Tool](https://bahamas10.github.io/binary-to-qrcode/), we get the QR code.

Well ... IT people are lazy as we don't want to type the flag our own so we downloaded the QR code (`qr.png`) and entered it into CyberChef, using the Parse QR Code and normalize image tool, we get our flag.

## Flag

Original writeup (https://github.com/Noskcid-Dev/tfc-ctf-2021-writeup/tree/main/Weird%20Friend).