Rating: 5.0
## Description
We considered giving you a free flag. However, we decided against it. In general, we would never do that! Or would we? That's the beginning of a good CTF! Discord is the new Twitter.
To be able to solve this challenge, you'll need to join our discord. Link in the Rules page.
## Writeup
Upon checking, the message that is suspicous and at the "beginning of a good CTF" is located at #general, which contains the content of:
```I don't think sο eⅰther. Τhey should work harder for these flags! When I was theіr age, I had to traνel thοusands οf miles to get them!```
By the tips/reminder from the challenge authour in Discord, we know that there are a way to hide messages in Twitter's tweets, we googled it and found the [tool](https://holloway.nz/steg/), entering the message and we get: `th1s_5t3g0_fl4g_w45_n0t_h1dden_w3ll `, putting it in the flag format and removing the spaces, we get the flag!
## Flag