
# Bomb Defusal

We got a login console malware :-P

## Target

[\*] Find Password

[\*] Get The FLAG!!!!!!

## Solution

lets head to analysis the malware using IDA Pro.


Here We get a lot things

**[\-] the malware write bat script called `temp.bat` and write `0%|0%`**

**[\-] Also its request for password and check if it equal to 00000000, Length = 7**

**[\-] if we enter the password correct it will call function named `winner`**

**[\-] Lets Jump to it :D**


**[\-] Here it will Print not that easy or something like this**

**[\-] But there is someting intersting we got string "akf\`|600abe0cc7bf15764460Xd7i\`u3stX7iXC6aart6i\`Xso4Xe7jez\`", and XOR key 0x07**

**[\-] the string used in the code but not printed....**

**[\-] Xor this string with 0x07 we will get the flag...**



Original writeup (https://github.com/MustafaRaad7/Winja-CTF-Writeups/blob/main/Bomb%20Defusal/README.md).