Tags: crypto
Rating: 1.0
Description: *This cat loves hide and seek a lot. She has set some rules for the game. Get the rules right and find the flag.*
1. using zip2john--> ```$pkzip2$1*2*2*0*2a*1e*74427fb7*0*42*0*2a*7442*80ca*726d1ea6a78c1035d5b97cb6069f2ca0cf0441f6c5e8260eed80bd93db0641679403dbe00a22a94d1676*$/pkzip2$```
2. As the title says its a Hashcat, using the help of description we can use hashcat rule for this
```hashcat -m 17210 '$pkzip2$1*2*2*0*2a*1e*74427fb7*0*42*0*2a*7442*80ca*726d1ea6a78c1035d5b97cb6069f2ca0cf0441f6c5e8260eed80bd93db0641679403dbe00a22a94d1676*$/pkzip2$' -a 0 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -r rules/dive.rule```
(https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes) --> 17210 is pkzip uncompressed mode