Tags: osint
**One You're Searching**
1. Riya Lahiri --> username search at location Dubai, United Arab Emirates `(facebook)`
(https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074411018807) -->search for everything ,you will find a liked post, the other liked person facebook page is (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073319645629)
2. there we can find this image is nilgiri resort , after searching for the other clues , if we exif the images we will get twiiter account usernames in copyright section --> (https://twitter.com/AaCashX0000)
3. we can find the same image that we found in facebook page ,so we can confirm the account as correct
4. as we can see the Hashtags in twiiter page
`#Workz #3r_ror #Hack33rpy #searhj0b #Transfers #IM_Age #Qrz0ne #Mypathgit #Resume_Day #CodeF0rFriend #flagd0tpy`
5. github protfolio they mentioned as hint--> (https://github.com/CodeF0rFriend/CodeF0rFriend)
6. if we search on docs/imgs --> there are many QR codes,, the last one work7.png is correct one
FLAG:` EHACON{H!Ma1a64} `