From the previous "impersonator" challenge, our research brought us to a github page belonging to a user known as [nc-lnvp](https://github.com/nc-lnvp).
The answer for obtaining their first and last name lies in their actual github commit history. When someone commits to a repository, their name and email address is included in the repo's commit log.
In order to obtain this log, we first have to clone a repository owned by him. I chose the "hello world" repository.

Next, we run `git log` whilst inside the repository to get the actual commit history. From here, we are presented with an email address: **[email protected]**. Their first name (Pax) was also included in some of the github commits aswell, but it was only their first name and thus was still not enough.

It appears that, underneath all that anonymity, they still provided us with some data that could be used to compromise it.
The cool thing about GMail addresses is that typically, you are able to locate the actual google account linked to it. I wasn't able to do this manually, as it was too tedious, so I instead went with a tool known as [GHunt](https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt).

And sure enough, we are correct. There's our flag.