# Luciafer's Cryptoware IOC 2
## Details
>Luciafer's cryptoware causes even more ruckus by encrypting the victim's file names. Decrypt the filename and enter it as the flag: Example flag{important-document.ext}.
> [Encrypted File](https://tinyurl.com/33e6t3xs)
Downloading the file we see it has a name of `fkduohv-d-jhvfklfnwhu-wr-gdun-dqjho-01.oodev`
if we enter the file name into [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=ROT13(true,true,false,23)&input=ZmtkdW9odi1kLWpodmZrbGZud2h1LXdyLWdkdW4tZHFqaG8tMDEub29kZXY) and apply a `ROT13` recipe, we can alter the rotation until we find;
## flag{charles-a-geschickter-to-dark-angel-01.llabs}