# To Be Xor Not to Be
## Details
>Submit the flag as flag{here-is-the-answer}
This one is fairly straight forward is you use CyberChef.
Copy the string in and az\pply the **XOR Brute Force** Recipe. set the Crib(known plain string) to **flag{** and let it do it's magic!
You can see it in action [here](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/#recipe=XOR_Brute_Force(1,100,0,'Standard',false,true,false,'flag%7B')&input=LiQpLzM8J2UtKTxlJzplJic8ZTwnZS0pPDU).
The resulting key is;
## flag{to-eat-or-not-to-eat}