# Old Devil
## Details
>We found this program written by luciafer. She used it to hide a password in the form of a flag. See if you can find the flag in the program.
> [Download File](https://tinyurl.com/hdnyt6y7)
> SHA1: dbaec5a38890cb8977865f321de4bf0e8ad2604f
> Password: `d34df4c3`
Running the progrm we see the following;
❯ ./demon
Luciafer v1.0
Say the demon's name to gain access to the secret.
Enter the demon's name: 123
That is not the demon's name.
Lets try that again with `ltrace`
❯ ltrace ./demon
puts("\nLuciafer v1.0\nSay the demon's n"...
Luciafer v1.0
Say the demon's name to gain access to the secret.
) = 66
printf("Enter the demon's name: ") = 24
gets(0x7ffcfee67621, 0x559d7e90406a, 0, 0Enter the demon's name: 123
) = 0x7ffcfee67621
strcmp("123", "Adrammelech") = -16
puts("\nThat is not the demon's name."
That is not the demon's name.
) = 31
+++ exited (status 0) +++
We can see here that the program is calling a string compare function `strcmp()` agaisnt the value we entered `123` and comparing it to another string `Adrammelech`.
`strcmp("123", "Adrammelech")`
Lets try again using that string as the demon's name;
❯ ./demon
Luciafer v1.0
Say the demon's name to gain access to the secret.
Enter the demon's name: Adrammelech
You are correct.
## flag{AdraMMel3ch}