# A Warning
## Details
>Luciafer is being watched! Someone on the inside of Lytton Labs can see what she is doing and is sending her a message.
>One of them says: "Stay away from Lytton Labs... you have been warned."
>To find the flag, find the message. You'll know it when you see it. Submit the flag as `flag{flag-goes-here}`.
>Use the PCAP from LYTTON LABS 01 - Monstrum ex Machina.
First we try a search for the string `warning`. The first result that comes up is this one;
Following the TCP stream on that packets yeailds the following;
Now that we know the name of the file we can try to export it by selecting `File > Export Objects > HTTP`
Then filter the object list by the string `warning`
Save the file and open it in your favouriute iumage viewer to reveal;
## flag{angels-fear-to-tread}